How to Select & Organize My Research Project Or…Help, I need to make my mom proud!!!
Picking My Topic Historical Event Geographical Biographical
Historical Events Lewis & Clark Expedition Explorers in “Texas” Texas Independence Texas Indians Cattle Drives in Texas
Geography Mapping the Western Passage Wandering in Texas Landmarks of Texas Independence Regions of Native Americans in Texas Trails of the Trail Drivers of Texas
Biographical Importance Meriweather Lewis, Clark, Sacagewea, Thomas Jefferson Cabeza de Vaca, Esteban, La Salle, Coronado William B. Travis, Davy Crockett, Juan Seguin, Sam Houston Geronimo, Quanah Parker Charles Goodnight, Oliver Loving
Organizing My Information Develop open-ended questions about your subject Use the Reporter’s Formula: Ask who, what, when, where, why, & how Prepare a chart or index cards for questions, short answers, & sources