$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Category 3Category 4Category 5 Category 1Category 2
Is the underlined word an adjective or adverb? The Grand Canyon is really beautiful in the morning. FINAL JEOPARDY C1 final
Camping during a cold winter has numerous advantages. What is the adjective? What word does it modify? C1 $100
Cold- adjective that modifies winter Numerous- adjective that modifies advantages. C1 $100
Ordinary insects cannot live in the extreme cold. What is the adjective? What word does it modify? C1 $200
Ordinary is the adjective that modifies insects. Extreme is the adjective that modifies cold. C1 $200
Wild animals can be spotted easily against the white snow. What is the adjective? What word does it modify? C1 $300
Wild is the adjective that modifies animals. White is the adjective that modifies snow. C1 $300
Slippery ice can complicate outdoor activities. What is the adjective? What word does it modify? C1 $400
Slippery is the adjective that modifies ice. Outdoor is the adjective that modifies activities. C1 $400
Wet woolen sweaters take a long time to dry. What is the adjective? What word does it modify? C1 $500
Wet and woolen are adjectives that modify sweaters. Fast is the adjective that modifies food. C1 $500
C2 $100 The island’s volcano became active. What is the predicate adjective? What is the linking verb? What word does it modify?
C2 $100 Predicate adjective- active Linking verbs- became Modifies volcano
C2 $200 The ground felt shaky. What is the predicate adjective? What is the linking verb? What word does it modify?
C2 $200 Predicate adjective- shaky Linking verbs- felt Modifies-ground
C2 $300 The entire area seemed foggy. What is the predicate adjective? What is the linking verb? What word does it modify?
C2 $300 Predicate adjective- foggy Linking verbs- seemed Modifies- area
C2 $400 The waves in the sea grew gigantic. What is the predicate adjective? What is the linking verb? What word does it modify?
C2 $400 Predicate adjective- gigantic Linking verbs- grew Modifies-waves
C2 $500 The sky is dark today. What is the predicate adjective? What is the linking verb? What word does it modify?
C2 $500 Predicate adjective- dark Linking verbs- is Modifies-sky
C3 $100 Sacajawea played a very valuable role in the Lewis and Clark expedition. What is the adverb? What word does it modify?
C3 $100 Very is the adverb that modifies valuable.
C3 $200 The expedition traveled west. What is the adverb? What word does it modify?
C3 $200 West is the adverb that modifies traveled.
C3 $300 Initially, Lewis and Clark hired a trader to help them communicate. What is the adverb? What word does it modify?
C3 $300 Initially is the adverb that modifies hired.
C3 $400 She once rescued scientific instruments from a sinking boat. What is the adverb? What word does it modify?
C3 $400 Once is the adverb that modifies rescued.
C3 $500 She was obviously familiar with the Native American culture. What is the adverb? What word does it modify?
C3 $500 Obviously is the adverb that modifies familiar.
C4 $100 A sei whale swims (more rapidly, most rapidly) than a blue whale.
C4 $100 more rapidly
C4 $200 The gray whale makes one of the (longest/more longest) migrations of any mammal.
C4 $200 longest
C4 $300 A male humpback whale sings (more distinctively, most distinctively) than a female.
C4 $300 more distinctively
C4 $400 Because they use technology to hunt whales, humans pose the (worse, worst) of all threats.
C4 $400 worst
C4 $500 Coral grows (better, best) of all in warm, shallow water.
C4 $500 best
C5 $100 Adjective or adverb? American author Jack London described nature (good, well).
C5 $100 Well- adverb
C5 $200 Much of his fiction is based on (real, really) experiences.
C5 $200 Real, adjective
C5 $300 He lived in a tiny cabin and struggled to survive in (bad, badly) weather.
C5 $300 Bad- adjective
C5 $400 London discovered a (good, well) subject for his stories and novels.
C5 $400 Good- adjective
C5 $500 His first Yukon Tales were received (good, well).
C5 $500 Well- adverb
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