The Lewis and Clark Expedition By: Michelle Zia Daphne Lei
Timeline MAY : expedition sets out JULY : Independence Creek AUG : Sergeant Floyd dies OCT : Mandan Villages NOV : Sacagawea and her husband join the expedition AUG : Shoshones NOV : Pacific Ocean MAR : sets back for return journey SEPT : reaches St. Louis
The Corps of Discovery Meriwether Lewis William Clark Charles Floyd Patrick Gass John Ordway Nathaniel Pryor Sacagawea and jean Baptiste Toussaint Charbonneau York
O! The Joy! It was December 3 rd 1805, when the “Ocean in view! O! The Joy!” They thought they reached the Pacific Ocean, but really it was the Snake River. It was a few days later when the ocean was spotted. The Corps agreed to camp on the south side of the river and built Fort Clatsop to dwell in the bitter winter.