The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) Karolina Martyniak
PKA was established in 2002 on the basis of HE Act PKA is the only statutory body for quality assessment and accreditation in Poland PKA acts independently for enhancement of the quality of education PKA decisions are legally binding
(…) The primary objective of the Committee is to support Polish public and non-public higher education institutions in the development of educational standards matching the best models adopted in the European and global academic space. (…)
Presentation to the minister responsible for higher education opinions and proposals concerning: assessment of programmes and institution (since 1st October 2011), establishing a higher education institution and granting it an authorisation to provide degree programmes; extending a permit for a non-public higher education institution; establishing a unit abroad by a Polish higher education institution; establishing a higher education institution based on the territory of the Republic of Poland by a foreign higher education institution.
PresidiumPresident Secretary G eneral Humanities Fine Arts Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Economics Plenary meeting Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences Medical Sciences Social Sciences and Law Physical Education Military
Characteristic features of assessment no costs, obligatory nature, universality, cyclical nature and uniformity of the procedures applied to all assessed programmes or units.
6 weeks 8 weeks since recieving the report 6 weeks since the site-visit 3 weeks since recieving the report 6 weeks since the response Preparation of the self-assesment report Apponitment of the panel of experts Site-visit Preparation of the site-visit report Sending the report to the institution Response for the report The Section for the Fields of Studies opinion The Presidium resolution Presenting the resolution to the minister Appointment of the fields of studies for assesment in the academic year 2 weeks since the resolution 4 weeks since the Section opinion
The Minister of Science and Higher Education revokes or suspends the right to offer courses or degree programmes. The Presidium resolution includes improvement recommendations with their implementation deadlines; another evaluation after 1 year. Next evaluation after 2-6 years, earlier if there are reasons to do so. Next evaluation after 8 years, earlier if there are reasons to do so. It brings additional subsidy. NegativeConditionalPositiveOutstanding
International activity According to the Law on HE: „Committee may cooperate with national and international institutions and organizations acting in HE area, specifically including those, involving in assessment and accreditation of the quality of education”.
Full member: European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) Central And Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies In Higher Education (CEENQA) Since 2009 registered in European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
Bilateral agreements Armenian Accreditation Agency ANQA (National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance, Foundation) Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education SKVC Austrian Accreditation Committee ÖAR (Österreicher Akkreditierungsrat) Nederlands Accreditation Committee NVAO (Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA)
Introduction of institutional assesment Assesment of PhD studies and non-degree postgradate programmes Assesment in reality of NQF Re-assesment of PKA
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