DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations 16 August
3 ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME FOR THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAMMES 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Administration % Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring % Teachers and Education Human Resources Development and Management % Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation % Social Responsibility % Total %
SERVICE 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees % Examiners and Moderators % Transfers to Public Entities % Other Transfers % Conditional Grants % Earmarked Funds % Departmental Operations % Projects % Total % 4 ALLOCATION OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR
SERVICE 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Earmarked Funds: % Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project % Workbooks % NEEDU % IQMS % EMIS % Systemic Evaluation % National Assessments: Grades 3, 6 and % NSNP % Conditional Grants: % Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant % National School Nutrition Programme % HIV and Aids % 5 DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR
SERVICE 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Transfers to Public Entities % NSFAS: Fundza Lushaka Bursaries % SACE % Umalusi % HSRC % Other Transfers % ETDP SETA (1)100.7% UNESCO Membership Fees % ADEA % Childline South Africa % Guidance Counselling &Youth Development Centre: Malawi % Households % Claims against the State -23(23)- Gifts and Donations -1(1)- 6 DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR (cont.)
Reasons for deviation Prog 1: Administration The under-expenditure is mainly due to non-filling of vacant posts as a result of the reorganisation of the Department as well as savings on the transfer payments to UNESCO as a result of the favourable Rand/Dollar exchange rate. Prog 2: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring The under-expenditure is due mainly to the following: –Withholding of funds in respect of the Technical Secondary School Recapitalisation conditional grant to Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga provincial education departments, due to low spending on the grant in these province. There were delays in respect of procurement processes as well as the processing of payments in provinces. –Savings were incurred on the Workbooks project. In-house services were utilised for the development, layout and design of the workbooks. Book 1 was printed and distributed during the financial year. Book 2 of workbooks were handed over to the printers but printing and delivery were finalised in the new financial year. Savings of ± R400 million were realised excluding commitments for printing and delivery of Book 2. 7
Reasons for Deviation Prog 3: Teachers and Education Human Resources Development and Management The under-expenditure is mainly due to: –Under-spending on the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit project due to the Unit being emergent and evolving. –Under-spending on compensation of employees on the Integrated Quality Management System project. Prog 4: Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation The under-expenditure is mainly due to: –The rescheduling of the Annual National Assessment (ANA) due to the strike. The tests were planned for November 2010 but they could only take place in February The analysis of data/results by the service provider also had to be rescheduled. –Under-spending in respect of the Education Management Information System project was due to the late invoicing as well as incomplete service delivery by the service provider regarding certain projects. 8
Thank you 9