SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Top new features list – ordered (1 st pass) Set up decent CMS (e.g. Trac) - feature requests/voting, –bug tracking & dev by others – main rep at sites. –Visibility: AGportal, AG-TECH, Freahmeat, srcforge –Put up this list – Working items –HW support input –Make clear of unstable RAT stability – error reporting – useful/automatic bug –Multithreaded mode –Mbus fixed – without mcast –Padlock security icon VIC – receivers listed in main window –Padlock security icon Startup GUI – address, keys, codecs? GUI simplification Clean compilation Multi-OS support –AG – less importance on OSX New codecs H.264 (external contribution) Full screen video/arbitrary video resizing (external contribution) Smart tiling – work from Taiwan –All video in one Thumbnail sorting Desktop sharing (compatible with inSORS?) –inSORS: H.264 “Data mode?” –VRVS: H.263 baseline Video subtitling/watermarking (like the news!) (Release) Who's speaking functionality (external contribution) Firewall/NAT traversal (UMTP?) –Port number in use P2P (e.g. aspen) – source specfic behaviours (external contribution) SRTP support –Signalling issues, rekeying H.263 improved (UKERNA) – dependent upon GW initiative Low bandwidth support (i.e. don't receive video if don't want) (Release)
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Platforms Windows –WinXP/03, WDM-config sensible?, VfW –Remove cruft builds and (MUSICA, HPUX etc, old stuff) –Installer: open-installer or binaries Linux –Kernel 2.6.X, V4L2, ALSA:tweaking req’d –Check; VLC, Xawtv –Installer: rpm, ebuilds Apple OSX –Quicktime –Current driver needs work – make clear –Carbon interface anybody – contributions welcome! –Installer: DMG, or binaries Platform independent libs capture/other things –Pwlib, SDL (Win, Linux, Mac) Directory services?
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Security Secure RTP – stream security? - Would be nice but not essential –Used a lot – AVT –Re-keying necessary, control channel req’d –AGSC bookings – Manchester Venue Not any other stable UK Venue Servers Security assumed –Needs to be non-obstructive Key distribution –VRVS future key dist for Evo Session Description security –AG: Globus based (will change) –VRVS – username/Passwd, Plugable Auth, Use tunnelling system (non-std) - Streams not encrypted User level notification –Padlock icon Firewall friendly –Probably Tool independent –ICE methododology –VIC: port usage Use Common lib? –Handled by AG2.4 for WinFW
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Documentation Types of doc –Dev: Code, APIs, Operation model, How-to add common components, style guide, info on release model, packaging. –User: Usage, Manual, FAQ Existing docs –Common: DocBook –VIC, RAT: HTML, TxT Doc systems –Doc++, Doxygen, Docbook, XML, javadoc? etc Wiki approaches –Mediawiki, Moin-moin Linked in with SCM systems –Trac wiki
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Hardware Audio –PCI, USB cards –Drivers (WDM?, ALSA/JACK: sub-RAT plugins, QT) –RAT: Can’t use separate Input/out devs – not a concern tho Video –USB Capture/Cams, PCI Capture –Drivers (WDM, V4L2, QT) Display –Hardware Acceleration (OpenGL, DirectX, SDL…) –Multi-display Compute platform –CPU dependency/acceleration platform dependencies and debug probs RAT uses MMX accelerated mixing –VRVS: IPP on AMD Cameras – VRVS: USB cams Mics –VRVS: only USB mics – e.g. phoenix (built-in e/c) Echo cancellers
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Evaluation and Steering Advisory group (ESAG) Provide –Feedback: , Web –Evaluation –Suggestions on project direction –Possible meetings –Lightweight Volunteers –Attendees: Colin, Mike, Philipe, Louis, Andy, –Externals-Tba: Tom, Barz, Deb, Rhys, Steve-Smith AGSC experiences - UKERNA –JCSR presentation –UKERNA liason, monthly meetings VRE (Memetic) - JISC –Quarterly progress reports –Programme meetings
SUMOVER Project workshop: November 2005, UCL. Future Collaboration list – Common meetings –Retreats, Grid meetings? –VRVS: ESNET, I2, APAN, Supercomputing, GGF, iGrid Future SUMOVER workshop –Suggestions