TV-Anytime & DMB MAF 31 Oct Jin Woo Hong ETRI
2/37 Contents ▣ TV-Anytime Phase 1 & 2 ▣ Phase 1 Metadata Tools ▣ Phase 2 Metadata Tools ▣ Phase 2 Service for DMB MAF
3/37 TV-Anytime Phase 1 & 2 ▣ Phase 1 Specifications ◈ PVR-based applications in a unidirectional broadcast environment Unidirectional broadcast (main broadcasting) Ancillary metadata services over a bi-directional network ◈ enable search, select, acquire and rightful use of audio and video ▣ Phase 2 Specifications ◈ Toward a world beyond TV (i.e., beyond audio plus video) Build digital entertainment and information-rich lives around a digital hub Including targeting, redistribution and new content types
4/37 Phase 1 Metadata Tools ToolDescription of toolDocument reference Classification schemes Sets of controlled terminology - These comprise simple- and multi-level, multi-axis labels that can be applied to a particular piece of content such as its genre or atmosphere TS Content description metadata Information defining, describing and detailing content items - such as a programme's synopsis TS CRIDA location independent identifier used to identify content or groups of content - Additionally it is used as the key to associate metadata with the content or group of content. TS Instance description metadata Information that defines a particular occurrence of a multimedia element - such as a programme's location in a schedule TS Segmentation metadata Information that describes elements of a whole piece of content in a way that allows it to be broken up - such as indexing stories in a news programme by subject thereby allowing only preferred stories to be viewed TS Usage history metadata Information generated in a device that describes the actions by a consumer while interacting with that device. TS User preference metadata Information that describes a user's profile - which has either been entered by themselves or generated by their device such as the consumer's demographic data. TS
5/37 Phase 2 Metadata Tools ToolDescription of tool/functionalityDocument reference PackagingFramework for the association of disparate elements of content that are intended to be consumed as a whole. TS TargetingInformation that allows the matching and delivery of relevant content based on a consumers profile. TS InterstitialsFramework for the replacement of interstitials during playback depending on specific criteria. TS E-Flyer/CouponWay of attaching pricing and discount information to content.TS Terminal capabilities Description of the capabilities of an end user terminal that enables appropriate content to be captured and consumed. TS New content typesInformation describing and detailing content types other than audio and video such as stills, text, games and applications. TS Educational metadata Information describing and detailing content types that relate to educational content. TS Data broadcastDescription of non-AV content.TS
6/37 Phase 2 Service of DMB MAF ▣ DMB MAF intends to exploit all the Phase 2 metadata tools. ◈ But, some profiling and usage limitation may be required. ▣ Package Metadata ◈ In addition to audio-visual contents, various DMB contents can be acquired through DMB data channel or IP-based DMB services. ◈ Each can be consumed by itself or can be consumed together to provide more effective consumer experiences. ‘Package’ ◈ Package metadata also describes synchronization (temporal) and spatial information between content to allow content to be consumed as the service provider intended. ◈ Using the synchronization information, multi-stream experience (e.g., multi-camera sports, or alternate audio and video documentaries) can be provided with content packaging. ▣ Coupons Metadata ◈ Provides the way to signal the existence of coupon, to explain the coupon, and to signal the method to retrieve the coupon. ◈ DMB MAF users may store the coupons with the associated contents and may retrieve and use them at any time.
7/37 ▣ Targeting Metadata ◈ Provides metadata for automatic matching and delivering of relevant content to profiled consumers. Targeted substitution is based on user profile, usage history, etc. ◈ A DMB portal may uses user preferences and other attributes to selectively recommend or present a DMB MAF content to the targeted user. ◈ Also, an intelligent agent in the DMB MAF terminal may uses user preferences and other attributes to selectively acquire and record DMB contents. ▣ Interstitials Metadata ◈ Perform interstitial replacement at playback time based on a number of criteria. The criteria may be explicitly declared using the Interstitials metadata schema. ◈ With this Interstitials metadata, DMB MAF consumers may replace the interstitials in main AV with their preferable ones at storing time or at later time.
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