DHCAL m3 module Ciemat status Enrique Calvo Alamillo EVO meeting 1 July 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

DHCAL m3 module Ciemat status Enrique Calvo Alamillo EVO meeting 1 July 2010

Index Status of the fabrication of the plates. Status of the manipulations tools.

Piece to produce: Status of the fabrication of the plates

Obtained mechanical parameters on the Plates of 1 m2. 1 er option: Plates without special treatment. We have received 3 plates of Aisi 304: ◦Thinness mm. ◦Planarity 2-3 mm. 2 nd option: Machine a plate from 20 to 15 mm. We have machine 1 plate of Aisi 304: ◦Planarity ~1 mm. Deformation due to the internal stress. This option introduce modification on the original magnetic permeability of the 304. Can be minimized with the 316L and th option: annealing treatment and machine to 15 mm. We are working on one piece. ◦Planarity ~1.5 mm. Due during the treatment the plate loss the internal stress and deform the structure. This option introduce modification on the original magnetic permeability of the 304. Can be minimized with the 316L and 310. A possible modification can be, do the treatment before, conform to 2-3 mm planarity by deformations and machine the plate… but not sure to obtain acceptable results. 4 th option: Currently Two test in parallel, with two different companies, for Aisi 304 : ◦1er. A special machine process to remove only the convex area of the plate. Without thermal treatment. ◦2 nd. A special machine process to remove only the convex area of the plate. Without thermal treatment. With a backup possibility, that consist to use a special tools to help during the machine process. The production of the tool is been produce in parallel. ◦We will have both plates during the 3er week of July. ◦The objetive it is obtain a planarity of ~0.15 mm. ◦This option also introduce modification on the original magnetic permeability of the 304.

AISI 304 Option 1: Piece tipe 1.: ~45 pieces. Pieces without posterior operations needed. ~760 eur/piece (finalized) Piece tipe 2.: ~92 pieces. ~55 eur/ piece (Need to do holes/fillet on the milling machine) Bolts. M8x40 inox : ~1000 units. ~240 eur/1000 units Rest of elements: Bolts M20x supports pieces for the top and 4 bases: ~1000 eur/pack Total cost: 760x45+55x = eur. Option 2: Piece tipe 1.: ~45 pieces. Pieces with posterior operation on machining needed. ~1570 eur/piece (finalized) Total cost : 1570x45+55x = eur. Option 3: Piece tipe 1.: ~45 pieces. Pieces with posterior operation on machining needed. And annealing ~1650 eur/piece (finalized) Total cost : 1570x45+55x = eur. Option 4: Piece tipe 1: ~45 pieces. Special machine process. ~ eur/piece. Total cost : ( )x45+55x = eur. Delivery time between 3-8 months. Cost of the different options 4th.

Assembly table: This table help to the positioning and assembly of the module, layer by layer. Currently under adjustment of parameters. Assembly test of 4 layer finalized. Status of the manipulations tools.

Manipulation plates: This tools help to the movement and assembly of the tables. This is ready.

Optical measure system: The system was tested with the last plate. We are waiting for a upgrade of the system.

Motion and rotations of the module: This tools help to move the module in the laboratory and permit the 90º rotation of the instrumented calorimeter of 1 m3 during the cosmic test. The rotation will be produce by 2 hand Pul-Lift fixed on the frame of the structure.

Util in both rotation positions

Standards 200x200 profile structure welded. The final dimension and thinness need to be fixed by the finite elements calculation. This simulation can take a lot of time, due to is necessary to verify a lot of points on the structure. Rotation and fixations Bolts.

4.5 tn capacity

10 tn capacity

Using both hand Pul-Lift together we can rotate the module. We start pulling with the first pul-lift, and before arrive the center of gravity to the rotation point, fix the second pul- lift on the opposite side to brake the gravity.