Applied Linguistic Topics G. Richard Tucker ( retrieved ) "broad range of activities" "solving some language-related problem or addressing some language-related concern" "solve specific problems in society"
Applied Linguistic Topics G. Richard Tucker ( retrieved ) "language for special purposes (e.g. language and communication problems related to aviation, language disorders, law, medicine, science)" "language policy and planning" "and language and literacy issues" programs "to help adult newcomers to the United States or other countries"
Applied Linguistic Topics G. Richard Tucker ( retrieved ) "role of mother tongue in…education" "language of persuasion and politics" "developing tools and programs for interpretation and translation" "and [developing tools and programs" language testing and evaluation."
Applied Linguistics " 'In a broad sense, applied linguistics is concerned with increasing understanding of the role of language in human affairs and thereby with providing the knowledge necessary for those who are responsible for taking language-related decisions whether the need for these arises in the classroom, the workplace, the law court, or the laboratory.' " Wilkins (1999: 7) Schmitt, Norbert An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, second edition. London: Hodder Education, p. 1.
Traditional Scope of Applied Linguistics "Traditionally, the primary concern of applied linguistics has been second language acquisition theory, second language pedagogy and the interface between the two, and it is these areas which this volume will cover." Schmitt, Norbert An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, second edition. London: Hodder Education, p. 2.