Human Resources Development TM/WS Infrastructure Development 9-12 February 2010 Breakout session – Group 2
TM/WS – Breakout session9-12 February Group:2HR Development 1. EXPERIENCES n Jobs & tasks analysis to identify skills gap and build a road map to fill it n Make use of experienced people in the conventional power plants and add nuclear training n On job training has been done inside bilateral agreement or regional cooperation n Re-introduction of nuclear university programs n Some set a system of training and evaluation of inspectors to deal with the coming NPPs.
TM/WS – Breakout session9-12 February Group:2HR Development 3. DIFFICULTIES/CHALLENGES 1. Send people abroad and take return attractive, specially for small countries 2. Attract the right staff 1. Salary 2. Chances for academic career and national recognition 3. Motivation 3. Coordination with the university should not be given for granted
TM/WS – Breakout session9-12 February Group:2HR Development 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Connection between recipients and vendors are not enough. Need for development of cooperation between countries at similar level to share lessons learned 2. Go through the IAEA guidelines on milestones and workforce planning 3. The IAEA needs to communicate more on its experience and assessment and not only on reports and activities