2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June The Europe-US International Aviation Safety Conference 2005 ‘ Aviation Safety Regulation – Setting the Sights for the Future’ The Future of Global Manufacturing (Internat. Aerospace Quality Group Strategies) Georg Schrader IAQG
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 2 Key Words -Organization of the International Aerospace Quality Group -Motivation for IAQG Founding and Development -IAQG till IAQG Strategy Today and Tomorrow -Cooperation and Support from Aviation Authorities
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 3 IAQG Organization International Aerospace Quality Group IAQG Council General Assembly Forums APAQG (Asia) EAQG (Europe) Implement initiatives that make significant improvements in Quality and reduction in cost, throughout the value stream, by establishing and maintaining dynamic cooperation, based on trust, between international aerospace companies Whose purpose is: AAQG (Americas)
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 4 IAQG Members Americas The Boeing CompanyThe Boeing Company BombardierBombardier CAECAE EmbraerEmbraer GE Aircraft EnginesGE Aircraft Engines Goodrich CorporationGoodrich Corporation GulfstreamGulfstream Honeywell AerospaceHoneywell Aerospace Lockheed MartinLockheed Martin Northrop GrummanNorthrop Grumman OrbitalOrbital Parker AerospaceParker Aerospace RaytheonRaytheon Rockwell CollinsRockwell Collins Rolls-RoyceRolls-Royce TextronTextron United Technologies Corp.United Technologies Corp. VoughtVought PRIPRI SAESAE Asia AIDCAIDC Aviation Industries of ChinaAviation Industries of China Fuji Heavy IndustriesFuji Heavy Industries HdHHdH Ishikawajima Harima Heavy IndustriesIshikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Kawasaki Heavy IndKawasaki Heavy Ind Korea Aerospace IndKorea Aerospace Ind Korean Air AerospaceKorean Air Aerospace Mitsubishi Heavy IndMitsubishi Heavy Ind Shin Mayawa IndShin Mayawa Ind SJACSJACEurope AirbusAirbus ALENIAALENIA BAE SystemsBAE Systems Dassault AviationDassault Aviation EADSEADS EADS – CASAEADS – CASA EADS MilitaryEADS Military EurocopterEurocopter AvioAvio Fokker AerostructuresFokker Aerostructures WestlandsWestlands HeganHegan Hispano-SuizaHispano-Suiza Israel Aircraft IndustriesIsrael Aircraft Industries Messier-BugattiMessier-Bugatti Messier-DowtyMessier-Dowty MTU Aero engineMTU Aero engine Rolls-RoyceRolls-Royce SAAB AerospaceSAAB Aerospace Smiths IndustriesSmiths Industries SNECMA MoteursSNECMA Moteurs SukhoiSukhoi Thales AvionicsThales Avionics Europe – Continued Sonaca Turbomeca Volvo –Aero PFW Zodiac ASD
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 5 Motivation for IAQG Founding and Development IAQG Members agreed in 1999 to establish common standards to - reduce duplication and waste - minimize variations - share resources and - speak with one voice This was necessary in view of the rapid global extension of prime companies and major suppliers as well as their international networks including the new markets.
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 6 Motivation for IAQG Founding and Development The reasons of other industries (e.g. textile) to invest in the new market were very often - low cost structures - tax, government incentives - lower raw material costs etc. mostly cost-driven factors For complex products the progress to cooperate with the new market is more gradual and better controlled, e.g. 1.Offset agreements for production 2.Maintenance activities 3.Risk-sharing agreements for design and complex components 4.Common research and design development
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 7 Motivation for IAQG Founding and Development The more complex the product, the more important is the pool of qualified staff and an effective sub-tier supply base. (There are e.g. 8.8 million young people with education in science and engineering in China (growing) and e.g. 1.3 million in Germany (not growing due to demographic effect)) To achieve a Quality Partnership on a global scale and on the new market, we need - a high level of qualification and education - a high degree of standardization and - effective logistics and process management IAQG accepted this task on the basis of international cooperation.
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 8 Management of Quality System Management of Processes Guidelines for Inspection and Documentation Methods -Manufacturing -Repair Stations -Distributors - -Key Characteristics -Special Processes -Qualification of Standard Parts - -First Article Inspec. -2-D Bar Code -3-D Data Archiving -NDT Training - Successful development of a set of common global standards and guidelines IAQG till 2005
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 9 IAQG Strategy Relationship Growth Strategy Space Defense Civil Authorities Suppliers Airlines Member Collaboration Top Leader Involvement IAQG Operational Efficiency IAQG Operating Management System Improvement Strategy Quality Mgt. System Process Capability People Capability Human Factors Sub-tier Supplier Control Evaluation
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 10 IAQG Strategy Streams Quality Management System Harmonization of system standards and regulatory requirements Process Capability Extension of process management to the whole product life cycle People Capability Staff and quality professional development, training/qualification standards Human Factors Improvement of safety culture including cultural aspects and common understanding of quality terminology Sub-tier Supplier Control Standardization of supply management methods including processes for asssessing the suppliers ability to select and manage their suppliers Evaluation Visibility of quality performance and performance metrics
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 11 Cooperation and support from Aviation Authorities No other Industry is deeper embedded and in a permanent dialog with Regulatory Authorities than the aviation industry, and especially in countries where manufacturer and airlines are public enterprises. Therefore IAQG needs support/help from authorities in the frame of global manufacturing; our list of wishes: 1.Harmonization of Organization System descriptions should be harmonized as much as possible. (AS/EN/SJAC 9100, FAR21, Part21, AQAP,...) 2.IAQG desires better cooperation between the design, production and maintenance functions, including consistent expectations on supplier management within the authority organization to avoid interruptions. EASA-organization made a good first step in that direction 3.Due to more and more products being used in both civil and military application stronger cooperation between the civil authorities and military is desirable to be continued
2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 12 Cooperation and Support from Aviation Authorities 4.Because parts are manufactured almost anywhere to support quick and seamless movement to the end user, „Bilateral“ shall be extended wherever possible or agreements shall be developed allowing one authority to act for another 5.Authorities shall allow to offer „Sub-TC priviliges“ to global suppliers (specialists) with the TC-holders agreement 6.Electronic Documentation should be extended 7.Common glossary to understand terminology worldwide shall be usefull