Swedenfinnish school
For 1000 years ago your ancestors may have encountered Vikings. Upplands Väsby was inhabited by Vikings. They were a people who traveled far away to trade. But they also plundered coastal cities. They were feared by the Europeans.
The vikings used to carve in stones to tell about their travels at sea, and to show how great they were, They loved to brag. Upplands Väsby has the most runestones in the whole Country.
Gunnes gård is one of our most popular sights in Upplands Väsby. Gunnes gård is a reconstruction of a Viking village, that was located there almost 1000 year ago.
Here in Upplands Väsby we have a chocolate factory called Marabou, and it’s the only Marabou factory in Sweden. In Marabou chocolate factory we produce chocolate, sold all over Sweden and other countries. Marabou makes very tasty chocolates in many different tastes. The factory is top secret, but the king of Sweden was allowed to visit.
Europe is a rock band originated from Upplands Väsby. They are known world wide and are the most famous people from our town. You may have heard their most famous song ”The final countdown”.
Our school was founded in 1993 by Swedenfinnish parents. Our School is Bilingual. Because we teach in both Swedish and Finnish.
Our classes are very small compared to regular Schools in Upplands Väsby, therefore we get much help and attention from our teachers. This makes the lessons more fun and we learn more. We have classes from grade 1 to 9.
The pupils in our school especially like that we arrange many excursions. And they appreciate that they get to use both their Swedish and Finnish languages. Canooing in Kairo, our beach We are excited about the Comenius project!
Our school is located just 28 km from Sweden’s capital Stockholm. It only takes 30 minutes by commuter train Iron tree to get there. Pyramid buildingNew College, built 2011