1. Outcomes of the 2006/07 audited budget report
2006/07 CONDITIONAL GRANT ALLOCATIONS PROGRAMMEBUDGET Food Nutrition R 31,909 (Roll-over of R 2,262,000 approved in November 2007 included) Life Skills/HIV & AIDSR 2,747 (Roll-over of R 290,000 approved in November 2007 included) FET R 10,000 Infrastructure R 27,812 (Roll-over of R 921,000 approved in November 2007 included) TOTALR 72,468,000
2006/07 EXPENDITURE GRANTALLOCATIONACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCESPENT R’000 % Infrastructure27, Food Nutrition31,90929,2842, Life Skills/HIV & AIDS2,7472, FET10,000 R0100 TOTAL72,46869,3743,09495,7
PLANS TO ADDRESS SHORTCOMINGS The roll overs requested were requested as a result of invoices received late Suppliers will be requested to submit invoices earlier so that they can be paid by end of year Tender processes will be commenced earlier so that agreements can be signed earlier in the year
CONCLUDING REMARKS ON 2006/07 REPORT The NCED overall managed to reach the goals outlined in the Business Plans of the four conditional grants despite the many challenges The management and roll out of the above four grants positively contributed to poverty alleviation, job creation and the provision of quality education in the Northern Cape Province Jobs were created in the following areas: Infrastructure: 65 jobs created through the Flagship Rehabilitation Programme - 65 youths trained in Carpentry, Plumbing, Glazing and Painting. Food Nutrition: jobs created – food handlers trained in food safety and 80 trained in garment making. FET Recapitalisation: 30 jobs created at the Urban FET and 164 jobs created in the Rural FET – this includes Bricklaying, Electrician, Carpenters, Plumbers, Painting, etc.
DATA ON TRENDS IN ALLOCATIONS, TRANSFERS AND ACTUAL EXPENDITURE CONDITIONAL GRANT AUDITED 2004/ / /2007 AllocationExp% ExpAllocationExp% ExpAllocationExp% Exp FET RECAP , FOOD NUTRITION22,46921, ,03328, ,90929,28492 INFRASTRUCTURE33,18332, ,89453, , HIV/AIDS2, ,3182,028872,7472,27983 TOTAL 57,83856, ,24584, ,46869,37596
2007/08 CG BUDGET PROGRAMMEBUDGET R’000 Food Nutrition34,507 Life Skills/HIV & AIDS 3,453 FET8,000 Infrastructure48,098 TOTAL94,058
FOOD NUTRITION AllocationR34,507,000 ExpenditureR19,265,000 Variance R 15,242,000 % Expenditure 56% No under- or over-expenditure experienced at the end of the 2 nd Quarter, although budget allocations for the inclusion of Kgalagadi are still outstanding. Infrastructural backlogs in Kgalagadi are also hampering the smooth implementation of the school feeding programme.
FOOD NUTRITION: Programme Performance learners reached in 420 primary schools Total of 94 feeding days – 48 in the 1 st Quarter and 46 in the 2 nd Quarter 183 school gardens established and maintained – continued support is given Kgalagadi schools provided with gas stoves and cylinders Equipment and utensils provided to schools Following up intervention on findings of KPMG
LIFE SKILLS/HIV & AIDS AllocationR 3,453,000 ExpenditureR1,379,000 VarianceR1,473,000 % Expenditure40% The expenditure in this programme is a little bit low for the middle of the financial year, as the plans reflect peaks and troughs in spending patterns. There are no capacity constraints that impacted negatively on implementation.
LIFE SKILLS/HIV & AIDS: Programme Performance 4 Care and Support sessions – 153 Educators reached 4 Lay Counselling sessions – 101 Educators reached 1 First Aid workshop – 25 Educators received certificates of competency (level 1 & 2) 4 Peer Education sessions – 169 Learners reached Teenage Pregnancy Awareness Campaign – 368 Learners reached
FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING AllocationR8,000,000 ExpenditureR3,453,000 VarianceR4,647,736 % Expenditure46% This programme is not expecting any under- or overspending by the end of the financial year. Although no capacity constraints are reported, internet / ICT connectivity in the Rural College is a major challenge because of the absence of ASDL broadband internet lines in some rural areas.
FET: Programme Performance Purchasing and installation of 1 server with software at O’Kiep Rural Campus Firewalls installed at 5 Rural Campuses (Kathu, Upington, O’Kiep, Kuruman and De Aar) 1 Workshop and Ablution Block upgraded at Kimberley Campus First phase of the building of the 4 classrooms at Kimberley Campus has been completed, second phase is progressing according to schedule Upgrading College sites (paving in Kathu, electrical fencing and alarming system installation in O’Kiep and irrigation system in Upington) IT equipment purchased (40 computers and 2 network printers) Equipment purchased for 1 workshop in Upington Campus National Certificate (Vocational) NC(V) Level 2 textbooks for ten selected programmes purchased
INFRASTRUCTURE AllocationR48,098,000 ExpenditureR31,836,000 VarianceR16,262,000 % Expenditure66% This programme is also not expecting any under- or overspending by the end of the financial year. The challenge of some contractors not being able to complete projects on time is closely monitored through the IDIP model.
Estimated Categorisation of NCED Infrastructure Expenditure up to 30 September st Quarter2nd Quarter Total to 30 September 2007 ItemProgrammeR'000 1Maintenance3,9002,3006,200 2Conversions502,1502,200 3School Flagship Rehabilitation Programme ,600 4Laboratories (Science/Biology) 300 5Sanitation 2,100 6Water 700 7Ablution Blocks Administration Blocks500 9Classrooms2, ,500 10Mobile Classrooms9001,9002,800 11Schools ,000 12Computer Centres Computer Classrooms 0 14Fencing/Security Repairs and Renovations6,8003,28610,086 Totals16,51015,32631,836
MONITORING – Food Nutrition Monitoring plan outlined in Annual Performance Plan strictly adhered to. A common monitoring tool is enforced and implemented by all districts. Sample of 40% set out in Annual Performance Plan per quarter per district exceeded. Mandatory quarterly meetings are held with all districts to monitor and scrutinize progress.
MONITORING – Life Skills Monitoring tool is utilized for schools to monitor the implementation of the Life Skills programme. Monitoring is done against the approved plan and is continuous. Bi-Monthly meetings are held with districts to monitor progress and address challenges. Mandatory monthly, quarterly and annual reports are submitted by districts. 26 Schools were monitored during the 2 nd quarter.
MONITORING - FET Monitoring done against the approved college operational plans. Conduct site visits on a monthly and quarterly basis or when need arises. Regular support to colleges that experience challenges in any of the areas of implementation. Submission of monthly and quarterly reports by the colleges.
MONITORING - Infrastructure Monitoring capacity in department in 06/07 was a challenge. This has improved in 07/08 by the appointment of additional staff and restructuring roles in infrastructure delivery. An improved program and project reporting system is being installed and BAS has been structured to assist improved reporting. These 2 improvements will be rolled-out in 07/08 with full implementation expected by the start of 08/09.
CONCLUDING REMARKS The NCED’s overall expenditure on all 4 Conditional Grants and Capital Expenditure is relatively healthy at average 52% at the end of the 2 nd Quarter (halfway in the financial year). No transfers are made to other departments or municipalities, whilst Food Nutrition makes transfers to schools and FET Recapitalisation to the Rural and the Urban FET Colleges. With the tight monitoring plans in place, very limited problems are experienced in terms of receiving reports from the above institutions.
Thank You