BARBADOS The most easterly island in the Caribbean Is 166 square miles Has a population of approximately 275,000 Capital city is Bridgetown
HIV/AIDS picture First two cases of AIDS reported in 1984 As of June 2004: Total number of HIV, AIDS and deaths HIV positive cases- 2,873 AIDS cases- 1,789 Deaths- 1,231
GOALS OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAMME To reduce mortality from AIDS by 50% To reduce the rate of new infections To slow down the rate of progression of HIV infection to AIDS To improve the wellbeing of persons living with HIV/AIDS
Activities of HIV/AIDS Programme of the Ministry of Health Provision of comprehensive service Strengthen surveillance systems Maintain and strengthen prevention programmes Upgrade surveillance systems
MILESTONES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS MAY Training Coordinator identified and participated in orientation process - CHART video lecture series in Polyclinics (75 persons trained SEPT Training Coordinator formally hired
MILESTONES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS cont’d SEPT NEEDS ASSESSMENT FORM developed and piloted with staff of the Ladymeade Reference Unit - Bio data - Practice setting - Experience caring for HIV/AIDS clients - Training topics preferred based on the comprehensive care approach (a) Clinical management – ARV therapy, Adherence issues, ‘O I’ (b) Psychosocial issues- Stigma and discrimination
MILESTONES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS cont’d NOV – Inaugural workshop “ Strengthening surveillance systems” for 30 participants JAN Collaborated with NHAC and UWI/HARP, Cave Hill campus in planning and implementation of the First Research Symposium
FEB – Subcontract for Jan Sept.2004 approved and signed MAR Facilitated two (2) persons attending 1 st TOT in Jamaica
MAR CHART Coor. and Dr. attended 1 st TOT in Jamaica JUNE Facilitated the attendance of 13 persons to First CHART clinical conference. (Drs., nurses, pharm.,cln. Psy, soc. Work)
ACOMPLIHSMENTS JULY Assisted with the revision of PMTCT curr. AUG Facilitated the filming of the PMTCT Trigger video series in Barbados - Medical Director and Coor. attended RCM /OECS Care Partners meeting in St. Lucia
ACCOMPLIHSMENTS SEPT Collaborated with HIV/AIDS programmes of St. Kitts and Nevis and Grenada for technical visits of personnel to LRU OCT Collaborated with NHAC to host workshop on Behaviour Change and Adherence to Treatment by Citatelli Associates /New York Link (45 persons)
ACCOMPLISHMENTS NOV Pilot first case-based and interactive ARV 3 day workshop for Physicians (13 persons) using the Mobile Team concept - Collaborated, coordinated logistics with OECS for participation ( St. Vincent, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, BVI-other countries unable to attend