Prepared by: Aster Emmanuel Urooj Javed Anita Samson Submitted to: Sir Raheel Course: Business Communication 6/4/2016visual aids 2
A device that appeal to the sense of sight, used in promotion or for illustration. e.g., Flip Charts, Handouts, White board, Slide Shows, Audio / Video tapes etc. 6/4/2016visual aids 3
Aims The aim of the presentation is to discuss graphic communication in relation to the use of Visual Aids. Criteria Audience / idea Complex – Verbally Easy to see 6/4/2016visual aids 4
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Organizing Information for Visual Aids Don’t put entire speech on the visual aid you are using Use only bullet points or outlines, Key Words Avoid using capital letters Clear & precise Font size must be large enough Follow the sequence while using visual aids Limit your Visual Aids 6/4/2016visual aids 7
6/4/2016visual aids 8 VISUAL AIDS Animated Projection FilmVideo Non-projection Visual ChartsHand outs Boards Still Projection Slides Overhead Transparenci es
Animated Projection Film A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story conveyed with moving images. Films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring.There are four types of Film Gauge:- 35mm, 16mm, Super 8, 65mm.storyframes Advantage: A 16mm film can be broadcast on any of world's broadcast systems, regardless of the broadcast standard, and a 35mm film can be shown in almost any theater in the world. Disadvantage: With film intended for broadcast the process is far more complex 6/4/2016visual aids 9
Video Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.electronicallycapturingrecording still imagesscenes Advantages: The biggest advantage over film is that you can easily stop and start them. Disadvantages: Until recently, video cameras simply could not handle the brightness range of film. (Remember ▲30:1 is the maximum brightness range for many home receivers.) 6/4/2016visual aids 10
6/4/2016visual aids 11 Still Projections Slides It is a mounted transparency viewed with a projector. Advantage: You can select and arrange the sequence yourself. Disadvantage: You need a darkened room which decreases you interaction with your audience.
6/4/2016visual aids 12 Overhead Transparency A transparency is a thin sheet of transparent flexible material, typically cellulose acetate, onto which figures can be drawn. These are then placed on an overhead projector for display to an audience.transparent cellulose acetateoverhead projector Advantage: Easy to use Disadvantage: The Overhead projector sits up front possibly blocking someone’s view
6/4/2016visual aids 13 Non – Projection Visual Charts Chart is a graphical representation of data, in which "the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart". A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.datasymbolsbar chartline chartpie charttabularnumericfunctions Advantage: Charts are often used to ease understanding of large quantities of data and the relationships between parts of the data. Disadvantage: Size issue. They are quite clumsy to transport
6/4/2016visual aids 14 Boards Are like charts, there are two types of boards. E.g: Chalkboard and Plastic Board. Advantage: Can be use bright light. Spontaneous and flexible. Disadvantage: Your back is usually turned down toward your audience
6/4/2016visual aids 15 Handouts A sheet or sheets of paper containing topical information, distributed to people attending a speech, lecture, or meeting. Advantage: Provide copy to the audience members can take away with them Disadvantage: Cannot control of audience. Use very detailed data on handouts Avoid passing single copy of handouts
6/4/2016visual aids 16 Techniques to use Visual Aids Effectively Get familiar with your equipment Know how to position slides, insert cassettes Practice it to use it Practice integrating visual aids into your presentation smoothly Assure your audience will read everything presented, regardless what are you saying Don’t distribute hand out at the beginning of presentation. Give out detailed handout at the end. Avoid ripping off sheets & scattering them on floor as it looks unprofessional
6/4/2016visual aids 17 Specific Techniques for certain kinds of Visuals Writing during Presentation Projecting Pointing