11.1 Ratio and Proportion Objectives: 1.Review ratios 2.Write proportions 3.Solve proportions 4.Use proportions in real life Vocabulary: proportions
Ratios: 2 to 3 2:3 2/3
Proportions: an equation of 2 ratios Read: “2 is to 3 as 4 is to 6” Read:
Reciprocal Property: If two ratios are equal, then their reciprocals are equal. Apply the reciprocal property to:
Cross Product Property: The product of the extremes equals the product of the means. Apply the cross product property to:
Solve the proportions:
Students submitted plans for a statue of Mr. Pelzer to put in front of the school. This was the winning design. If the model is a 2”:13’ ratio, how tall is the statue if the model’s height if 15”? 97.5’ How long is the model of the calculator if the statue’s calculator is 18’? 2.77”
You are building a scale model of hyou uncles’ fishing boat. The boat is 62 ft long and 23 ft wide. The model will be 14 in long. How side should it be? h = 5.2 in The mast of your uncles fishing boat is 30 ft tall. How tall should the mast be on the model? h = 6.8 in
Algebra 1 Assignment: 11.1 p646 #17-39 odd, 41, 42, 47 Progress Report signature Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth. Aesop