Amendment 3 to the Fishery Management Plan for Queen Conch Resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
2 Purpose and Need June 2008 U.S.V.I. Regulations 50,000 lb Quota in STX, 50,000 lb Quota in STT/STJ Trip/Bag Limit Closed Season St. Croix Quota Closure – May 1, 2009 Federal Regulations Lang Bank Open October 1 – June 30 Compatible Regulations
3 Background Queen Conch FMP Queen Conch Amendment 1 Prohibit commercial and recreational harvest, possession of queen conch in federal waters of the U.S. Caribbean, with the exception of Lang Bank Queen Conch Amendment 2 Comprehensive ACL Amendment (Under Development)
4 Queen Conch, Strombus gigas Photo courtesy of: NOAA Fisheries Service Protected Resources Division
5 Lang Bank is defined as the area east of 64°34’W bound within the 100 fathom curve.
6 Reported Landings Reported landings of queen conch (lbs). Source: SEFSC. YearSt. Croix St. Thomas/ St. John Total U.S.V.I.% St. Croix % St. Thomas/ St. John ,9991,08378, %1.4% ,4441,847115, %1.6% ,4922,172118, %1.8% ,1743,339111, %3.0% ,2581,022126, %0.8% , , %0.3% ,9663,989225, %1.8% ,0861,12477, %1.5% Average124,9841,876126, %1.5%
8 Action 1: Compatible Regulations Alternative 1: No Action. Do not establish compatible regulations with U.S. Virgin Islands Alternative 2: Establish compatible regulations with U.S. Virgin Islands
9 Current Federal Regulations Fishing for or possession of queen conch in the EEZ is prohibited, with the exception of Lang Bank, St. Croix, USVI (east of 64°34’W), which is open for harvest during October 1 through June 30 Size Limit: nine (9) inches total length or 3/8 inch lip thickness measured at the thickest point of the lip Trip/Bag Limit: Commercial: 150 conch per person per day Recreational: 3 queen conch per day, not to exceed 12 per boat per day All queen conch must be landed still attached to the shell. Harvest of queen conch at Lang Bank east of St. Croix, USVI, using HOOKAH gear is prohibited.
10 Proposed Changes Compatible Closure when Territorial Quota is Met Closed Season: July 1 through September 30 June 1 through October 31 Trip/Bag Limit: Commercial: 150 per person per day 200 per boat per day Recreational: 3 per person per day (no more than 12 per boat) 6 per person per day (no more than 24 per boat)
11 Action 2: Framework Procedures Alternative 1: No Action. Do not establish framework measures for Queen Conch FMP Alternative 2: Establish framework procedures for the Queen Conch FMP to provide the Council with a mechanism to independently adjust the following management measures through framework action. Alternative 3: Establish framework procedures for the Queen Conch FMP to provide the Council with a mechanism to independently adjust a subset of management measures outlined in Alternative 2.
12 Quota Requirements Seasonal Closures Area Closures Trip/Bag Limit Size Limits Fishing Year Gear Restrictions or Prohibitions Implemented and/or Modified through Regulatory Framework Action (Alt 2)
13 Permitting Restrictions Timeframe for Recovery of Overfished Species Rebuilding Plans Total Allowable Catch (TAC) Annual Catch Limits (ACLs) Accountability Measures (AMs) Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Implemented and/or Modified through Regulatory Framework Action (Alt 2)
14 Optimum Yield (OY) Minimum Stock Size Threshold (MSST) Maximum Fishing Mortality Threshold (MFMT) Overfishing Limit (OFL) Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) Implemented and/or Modified through Regulatory Framework Action (Alt 2)
15 Framework Procedure Steps 1.Recommendations for change are made to the Council (AP, SSC, others) 2.Council holds public hearings to discuss the recommending group’s report 3.Council may convene SSC for advice prior to final action 4.Council advise NMFS of proposed changes in writing of their recommendations accompanied by the group’s report (where appropriate), relevant background material, draft regulations, Regulatory Impact Review, and public comments.
16 6.RA reviews Council’s recommendations —If the RA concurs that the recommendations are consistent with the goals and objectives of the FMP, the national standards and other applicable laws, the RA will recommend that the Secretary publish proposed and final rules in the Federal Register of any changes. —If the RA rejects the recommendations, he will provide written reasons to the Council for the rejection, and existing regulations will remain in effect until the issue is resolved.
17 Implementing Quota Closures Authority is granted to the RA to close any fishery once a quota has been filled. When such action is necessary, the RA will recommend that the Secretary publish a notice in the Federal Register as soon as possible.
18 Questions? Photo courtesy of: Caribbean Fishery Management Council