Meeting: November 3,
Meeting Agenda Opening Training Lecture Activity Break Lecture Activity Skipper’s Minute Closing
Meeting Opening Pledge of Alliance Scout Oath On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to Obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Scout Law A Scout Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Sea Promise
THE SEA PROMISE As a Sea Scout I promise to do my best: 1. To guard against water accidents 2. To know the location and proper use of the Lifesaving devices on every boat I board 3. To be prepared to render aid to those in need 4. To seek to preserve the motto of the sea: Women and Children First.
Video Sea Scouting Video – Chart a Course for Life
THE SHIP CODE A statement of ideals and conduct developed and approved by the ship members (In addition to the Sea Promise ): The means of upholding your ship’s reputation and traditions. What members consider important as a group Ideas that describe the ship’s purpose A standard or goal for self improvement.
Ships Code 1. Live by Scout Oath and Law 2. Always be a role model showing how to be safe and responsible when on the water or working around boats 3. Do your best at all times 4. Be Respectful at all times 5. Inappropriate language is not acceptable at anytime 6. Do not interrupt at crew meetings, if you have questions or comments you should raise your hand. 7. There will be no unnecessary physical contact between male and female officers and crews 8. Work together as a team 9. Always Dress Appropriately (Uniform) 10. Crews members should make meetings and events 11. The use and possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco will result in suspension from ship activities 12. Proper respectful behavior shall be shown to all adult officers. 13. Work Parties are mandatory. 14. Crew Members that work on events that earn money for the ship will be credited their share for that event 15. All Crew members that do not work on events that earn Crew money for outings will have to pay the full amount necessary for that event. 16. Allocations of funds from money making events are split 50/50 between the Crew members and the ship 17. I f a crew members makes a commitment, stick to it. 18. Dues: $1 per week (Pays yearly Scout Council Registration and Refreshments) 19. HAVE FUN!!
Setting the Example Bring to Meeting Uniform Paper and Writing Utensil Calendar Book Good Attitude Bring to Events Uniform of the Activity Writing Utensil Book Bag with Gear Good Attitude JO (Junior Officers) Be Prepared Have Meeting and Activity Planned Set the Example Be on Time Crew Follow Instructions Try Hard Show Initiative Acting with Maturely Knowing the Job Attitude Look sharp, Be sharp
Boatswain Boatswain’s Mate Administration Boatswain’s Mate ( Administration ) Boatswain’sMate Program Boatswain’s Mate ( Program ) SHIP ORGANIZATION SHIP ORGANIZATION Skipper Mate Administration) Mate ( Administration) Mate Program) Mate ( Program) Ship Committee Chair Ship Committee Members Treasurer Purser Yeoman ShipMembership CrewLeaders Ship Membership Crew LeadersAppointed Activity Chair Consultants Chartered Organization Rep Chartered Organization
Program Planning Best sources are Ship members Program conferences & regattas Sea Scout Manual Program Capability Inventory
Program Planning Pattern SSM 59 Collecting Activities Selecting Activities Preparing for Activities Checking on Detailed Plans Conducting Activities After Each Activity Cruise & Superactivity Plans
Ship Meetings Two Types Quarterdeck Crew
Usually during first week of each month at a regular time and place Helps accomplish the basic objectives of Sea Scouting QUARTERDECK MEETINGS The quarterdeck meeting is a monthly business meeting of all the Ship’s petty officers
Quarterdeck Meetings 1. The Boatswain presides; the Skipper meets with the boatswain in advance to assist in preparing for it 2. All Petty Officers report at every meeting. This involvement of officers is absolutely necessary 3. The Ship program is planned and double-checked under the supervision of the Skipper and designated Mate
QUARTERDECK MEETINGS Suggested Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.Minutes of last quarterdeck meeting. 3.Report of Petty Officers – communications, membership, finances, boats and equipment, District and Council activities, past activities review. 4.Approval of Ship meeting Agenda. 5.Check of this month’s activity plans. 6.Program planning session or future activities. 7.Adjournment SSM 56 7.Adjournment SSM 56.
SHIP MEETINGS How often to hold them? What happens during a meeting? Who runs the meeting? What are some of the items that should be covered in a meeting? What is the role of the Skipper and Mates at these meetings?.
SHIP MEETINGS Opening Ceremony Business Activity Closing Opening Ceremony Skills Business Activity / Game Closing
Activity Plan a Meeting Who ? What ? Where? How? SHIP MEETINGS Groups of ? 15 mins Plan Your Meeting Present to Group
Special Presentation Karl – Brass Polished for 40ft Pictures – YBI Skippers Minute – Veteren’s Ceremony November 11, 2010 Konocti Vista Casino 10am