Preparation Of Cauliflower Explants 1.) Rinse cauliflower head with water. Break or cut cauliflower head into pieces 1 cm long and 3-4 mm in diameter. Be sure to include the outer buds. 2.)Place cauliflower sections into a suitable container, fill with tap water, add 2-3 drops of liquid detergent. Shake for 10 minutes. 3.)Pour off the detergent solution. Rinse with tap water until bubbles and suds disappear. 4.)Cover cauliflower sections with 70% ethanol or isopropanol. Let stand 1 minute. 5.)Drain off ethanol. 6.) Cover cauliflower sections with sodium hypochlorite. Let stand 15 minutes, agitating occasionally. 7.)Drain off sodium hypochlorite. 8.) Cover cauliflower sections with sterile water. Let stand 2 minutes. Repeat 2X. 9.)Select forceps that have been standing in 70% ethanol or isopropanol and dip the tips in sterile water. Select one cauliflower section and asceptically transfer it to a tube of minimal organic medium. 10.)Incubate cultures in the light (not direct sunlight) at room temperature.