Ethers Carl Robinson and Michael Ross
Standard structure R – Alkyl Group _’ – Substituent (substituted alkyl group_
Naming __ ______ Ether 1 st is either the prefix of “Di-” or is the first alkyl group within the compound in alphabetical order. 2 nd is followed by the main alkyl group or the second alkyl group within alphabetical order. All end with the word ether.
+ NaH—H + + Ethanol (l)Sodium (s)Sodium Ethoxide (s) Hydrogen gas (g) Chloroethane (g)Sodium Ethoxide (s) NaCl Sodium Chloride (s)Diethyl Ether (l) + Williamson Ether Synthesis Note: This is occurs according to the SN2 reaction
SN2 reaction
Williamson Ether Synthesis Cont. Alkyl Halide- Halogen bonded to an alkyl group. Nucleophile-a compound which donates a pair of electrons. The nucleophile (lewis base) reacts which an alkyl halide. After the reaction the products are a salt and an ether.
Diethylether Used as an anaesthesia
Nitrous Oxide Otherwise known as laughing gas this compound is used as an anaesthesia in many medical fields
Other uses Anaesthetic Refrigerant Solvent Engine starter
Bibliography (Picture) (Picture) Hornblack, Joseph M. “Organic Chemisty” Brooks & Cole 1998 Pg. 52, 354, 355