Cross-Cultural Survey Research
Survey Research Laboratory 2 of 15 Cognitive Survey Response Model Question interpretation Memory retrieval Judgment formation Response editing
Survey Research Laboratory 3 of 15 Question Interpretation Emic (culture specific) Etic (pancultural)
Survey Research Laboratory 4 of 15 Category Fallacy Assuming a question or concept is universally understood when in fact understanding is culturally conditioned
Survey Research Laboratory 5 of 15 Memory Retrieval Episodic vs. semantic recall Search strategies Memory cues
Survey Research Laboratory 6 of 15 Accessibility Anchoring Response formatting Response styles Judgment Formation
Survey Research Laboratory 7 of 15 Self presentation/social desirability Acquiescence Interviewer effects Response Editing
Survey Research Laboratory 8 of 15 1.Reliability 2.Validity 3.Equivalence Elements of Social Measurement in Cross-Cultural Research
Survey Research Laboratory 9 of 15 Types of Equivalence Referenced in Research Literature 1.Calibration17.Factorial34.Operational50.Theoretical 2.Complete18.Formal35.Pseudo51.Translation 3.Conceptual19.Functional36.Psychological52.Verbal 4.Construct20.Grammatical-Syntactical53.Vocabulary 5.Construct 21.Indicator37.Psychometric operationalization22.Idiomatic38.Relational 6.Content23.Instrument39.Relative 7. Contextual24.Item40.Response 8. Credible25.Lexical41.Scalar 9.Criterion26.Linguistic42.Semantic 10.Cross-cultural27.Literal43.Situational 11.Cultural28.Meaning44.Stimulus 12.Definitional29.Measurement45.Structural 13.Direct30.Measurement unit46.Substantive 14.Exact31.Metaphorical47.Syntactic 15.Experiential32.Metric48.Technical 16.Factor33.Motivational49.Text
Survey Research Laboratory 10 of 15 Procedural Equivalence Emphasis on equivalent methods Interpretive Equivalence Emphasis on equivalent meaning
Survey Research Laboratory 11 of 15 A.Question Development Phase B.Questionnaire Pretesting Phase C.Data Collection Phase D.Data Analysis Phase Available Methods for Addressing Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Survey Research
Survey Research Laboratory 12 of 15 A. Question Development Stage 1.Expert consultation/collaboration 2.Ethnographic and other qualitative approaches 3.“Good” question-wording practices 4.“Good” translation practices 5.Facet analysis
Survey Research Laboratory 13 of 15 B. Questionnaire Pretesting Phase 1.Cognitive interviews/structured probes 2.Comparative response scale calibration 3.Comparative behavior coding 4.Compare alternative data collection modes
Survey Research Laboratory 14 of 15 C. Data Collection Phase 1.Use multiple indicators 2.Use both emic and etic questions 3.Respondent/interviewer matching
Survey Research Laboratory 15 of 15 D. Data Analysis Phase 1.Item analysis 2.Item response theory 3.Generalizability theory 4.Confirmatory factor analysis 5.Multidimensional scaling 6.Applying statistical controls 7.Identity-equivalence method