presented by Standing Committee on Performance Management: Update and Status July 26, 2010 Kirk T. Steudle, Director Michigan Department of Transportation
AASHTO SCOPM History »Pete Rahn first chaired the task forces in February 2008 »I became chair in 2010 of SCOPM and the task forces Six task forces created to identify National Performance Measures across all states in six key areas »Safety »Preservation »Congestion »System Operations »Freight/Economic Development »Environment 2
Task Forces Each lead by a member of the SCOPM Offered 2-4 performance indicators in each key area Working with relevant stakeholders to ensure recommendations could be embraced as national performance metrics. Developed a tiered approach »Tier 1—General consensus on the definition; common method of/or central collection point for data collection ; comparability or can be in the methods/data across the states »Tier 2 : Close to meeting the tier one criteria but still needs some work and consensus amongst DOTs »Tier 3 : Significant work is need to meet the tier 1 criteria 3
Performance Indicators 4 Goal Areas Candidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Safety A.Annual fatalities (3-5 yr. moving avg.) B.Major injuries A.Annual fatalities on a 3-yr moving avg. (TIER 1) B.Serious injuries (TIER 2) Reduce the national total by 50% in twenty years Definition of serious and tech support Preservation A.Pavement PSI or Remaining Service Life B.Pavement IRI C.Bridge % structurally deficient by deck area A.IRI (TIER 1) B.Structural Condition (TIER 2) C.NHS Structurally Deficient Deck Area (TIER 1) D.Bridge structural adequacy (Tier 3) Interstate and other NHS –no goal at this time More uniform definition of pavement structural adequacy; national goals or targets need to be a function of funding levels. Need to get a new measure for bridges
Performance Indicators 5 Goal Areas Candidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Congestion Travel time index; Travel delay; Total travel time; Buffer Index; Congestion Cost; Economic Benefits 1. Travel delay (TIER 1) 2. Travel delay per commuter (regional measure) (TIER 2) 3. Congestion cost (TIER 2) 4. Interstate System Travel Time Reliability (Tier 2) Nothing yet. Perhaps limit to certain Interstate or NHS routes of national significance Geographic application. Uniform measurement— ”single” contractor,. Agreement on measures among states and MPOs Systems Operations Urban: travel time Reliability; Snow removal time; Rural: Road closure index; Customer satisfaction 1. Incident response time on the NHS (TIER 3) 2. Incident clearance time the NHS (TIER 3) 3. Work Zone Closures on the NHS (TIER 3) Nothing yet. Big variation in cold weather states vs. warm and rural vs. urban Measures to use and comparability.
Performance Indicators 6 Goal Areas Candidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Environment 1. GHG (or surrogate based on VMT) 2. Climate change adaptation cost 3. Water quality 1. Transportation greenhouse gases; (TIER 2) 2. Storm water runoff (% of state owned impervious pavements with treated water quality) (TIER 3) Need to develop candidate measures in a uniform way Freight/ Economics 1. Truck travel time time/speed/reliability 2. Border cross time 3. Double stack train bridge clearance; heavy train track capability 1.Reliability on SFC’s (TIER 1) 2.Speed/Travel Time on SFC’s (TIER 1) 3.Roadway Access measure (TIER 3) Defining SFC’s Coordination with MPO’s Developing access measures for autos and trucks
Performance Indicators Planning and Programming—Led by Deb Miller Engaging Metropolitan and Regional Planning Organizations National Summit in September Comparative Performance Measurement Efforts—Led by Mara Campbell and Daniela Bremmer. »Demonstrate state DOTs can compare performance in areas key to every DOT’s mission. »Focus on three areas: Project Delivery (On-Time/ On-Budget), Smooth Pavements, and Safety. Livability (raised by FHWA) is a key focus area that needs to be addressed. »No SCOPM Task Force yett 7
Next Steps Aggressively move towards guides/standards for adoption by appropriate AASHTO committees of the Tier 1 measures Launch serious study efforts at the Tier 2 measures and Tier 3 measures; including comparative measure studies Develop web-based methods for data storage and display at the national level Develop long range research road map Get AMPO and APTA support and transit performance metrics into the package: Planning conference in September will aid in this Get CEO buy in and support at a workshop in the fall a month or so prior to the annual meeting in Biloxi 8
Thank you!