Grade 7 - Chemistry Graded Assignment 1 FIRST TWENTY ELEMENTS
Draw the atomic structures of the first 20 elements of the periodic table. ASSESSED POINTS ExcellentSatisfactoryPoor Nucleus4 - Shows the no. of protons & neutrons clearly Shows either the no. of protons or neutrons. Numbers may be wrong Does not show the no. of protons or neutrons Electrons / Energy levels 4 - All the electron shells are shown with correct no. of electrons All electron shells are shown, with incorrect no. of electrons Energy levels and no. of electrons are incorrect Neatness2 - Atomic structure is drawn neatly with a compass. Nucleus and electrons are shown clearly. 1 - Atomic structure is drawn by hand. Nucleus and/or electrons may not be always clear. 0 - Atomic structure is sloppy. Nucleus and electrons are not clear.