Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab Recycler Extraction Kicker Dan Wolff/Chris Jensen 8/29/08.


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Presentation transcript:

Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab Recycler Extraction Kicker Dan Wolff/Chris Jensen 8/29/08

Specifications Existing Recycler Kicker KICK ANGLE: mrad FIELD RISE TIME: 1.44E-07 sec INTEGRATED FIELD STRENGTH: 3.82E-02 (W/m^2) HEIGHT OF MAGNET GAP: m WIDTH OF MAGNET GAP: m


Using Existing Recycler Systems Number of magnets/pulsers needed: 2 – 2 needed because of rep rate Magnet Voltage: 14 kv Magnet Current: 550 amps Maximum Field: 130 gauss Field Rise Time: 185 nsec Tunnel Space Needed: 3.6 m

Existing Magnet

Cooling Skid

Existing Pulser and PFL

Changes/Upgrades Needed Estimate 250 W in termination resistors – need new termination resistors, external cooling system (Flourinert cooling skid), plumbing to tunnel, and reworking magnet. Need new (faster) charging power supplies Shorter PFL Need new pulser controls Space in a nearby Service Building?????

Costs and Labor SystemCost ($K)FTETime Needed(Year) Cooling Skid Installation/ plumbing2* Charging Power Supply3* Controlers3* TOTAL