ARRA Update & Energy Sector Training Grant Opportunity Roberta Gassman Secretary Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment September 11, 2009
2 Overview USDOL Energy Grant Opportunity –DWD proposal –CWI Executive Committee support & sponsorship –Steps ahead
3 US DOL Competitive Grants High growth & emerging industries ($750M) –Energy efficiency & renewable energy ($500M) –High Wage Sectors with emphasis on Health Care ($250M) Supports trng of targeted populations & employers HC – states not eligible 5 energy opportunities announced $2M - $6M 10/20/2009 State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) & Training Grants $2M - $8M 09/29/2009 Pathways Out of Poverty $2M - $5M 09/04/2009 Energy Training Partnership Grants $2M - $4M Submitted State Labor Market Information Improvement Grants $50K - $100K 08/05/2009 Green Capacity Building Grants Potential Award Application Due Grant = DWD eligible to apply = CWI eligible to apply w/DWD as Fiscal Agent
4 State Energy Sector Partnership Grant Requirements Create a statewide leadership team –State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) –Led by the CWI, with CWI membership –Other high-level members as prescribed by DOL –Staffed by DWD Develop a statewide strategic plan, building on state’s existing energy policy Create implementation plan for new and existing training structures to meet green requirements Limit request to $6M over three years
5 Wisconsin’s State Energy Sector Partnership Proposal Three primary areas of focus: Energy Efficiency “Green up” Wisconsin’s apprenticeship programs Develop career pathway in energy efficiency –begin with weatherization…lead to skilled trades: carpentry; HVAC technician; plumbing; electrical; etc. Renewable Energy Focus on manufacturing, align activities with Governor’s State Energy Program (SEP) –Grant program to support green energy business development Identify and fill gaps in other areas Smart Grid (Utilities) Align workforce training with DOE’s grants to utilities –To reduce emissions, lower costs, increase reliability, increase security and flexibility of Smart Grid Identify and fill gaps in other areas
6 Our plan will –Analyze where industry investments will be –Analyze where populations will be served –Create career path training Wisconsin’s State Energy Sector Partnership Proposal
7 State Energy Sector Partnership Leadership Team Membership Required membership –Representatives from CWI –State workforce agency –State cabinet officials –Energy efficiency & renewable energy businesses & industries –Labor organizations –Local WDBs or regional consortia of WDBs & job centers Suggested members –DWD’s Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards –Nonprofit organizations –Ed & training providers; tech colleges –State & local veterans’ agencies –Economic development organizations
8 State Energy Sector Partnership Leadership Team Responsibilities Grant Development Responsibilities Develop a strategic plan, which will leverage existing strategic energy efforts –Gov Doyle’s Clean Energy Wisconsin plan Promotes affordable, diverse energy supply Targets investments in job creation & new business Improves our environment –Office of Energy Independence plan Advances Gov’s energy policy vision & promotes bio-industry Inventory ARRA energy-related funding already at work in Wisconsin Address “green” training gaps in existing workforce development & industry sectors Refine & develop “green” apprenticeship models Identify regional project teams (WDBs or consortia) to assist with service delivery
9 Post-Award Responsibilities Build partnerships & industry collaboration to achieve grant objectives Monitor grant objectives & performance Provide guidance to regional project teams on deliverables DWD will: –provide staffing for grant management –function as fiscal agent –conduct formal monitoring Wisconsin’s State Energy Sector Partnership Proposal
10 State Energy Sector Partnership Desired Grant Outcomes Apprentices & workers develop skills for Wisconsin’s green jobs –existing & emerging energy efficiency –renewable energy industries “Green” training strategies aligned with state recovery & growth strategies A defined process for apprenticeship to keep pace with emerging technologies
11 Next Steps Prepare the proposal –Have secured CWI Executive Committee support to apply for up to $6M in ARRA funds –Align State Energy Sector Partnership leadership team with the Governor’s Energy Independence Cabinet Team Secretaries Gassman & Leinenkugel members of both Chris Ruud, Phil Neuenfeldt & Joel Rogers to represent CWI –Complete strategic plan & write proposal –Secure final CWI Executive Committee approval Submit proposal by October 20, 2009
12 Thank you! Questions?