Definition of sterile Free of microorganisms (bacteria) Bacteria Bacteria can be broken down into two groups Pathogenic - cause disease Nonpathogenic - do not cause disease
Pathogenic / Nonpathogenic To make something sterile, we want to destroy ALL bacteria
Bacteria Some bacteria are “spore forming” which means they have the ability to transform themselves into spores and hibernate for an indefinite period of time They begin to grow again when placed in a favorable environment (such as the human body) Spore forming bacteria are extremely durable and a great deal of effort is necessary for their destruction
Bacteria (Continued) Sterilization is successful in destroying all bacteria because it fools the spore forming bacteria out of hibernation by giving it two of the three conditions necessary for growth Correct temperature Moisture Once bacteria starts to grow and reproduce, it is easy to destroy
Sterilizing vs. Sanitizing Sanitizing is the process of cleaning something A dishwasher sanitizes dishes by killing most of the bacteria but not all, so the item cannot be considered sterile Sanitizing an item is not effective for killing spore forming bacteria
What is sterile? There is no way we can measure all products being sterilized to ensure that every organism has been destroyed Instead, a standard has been established that uses probabilities
Sterile An item is considered to be sterile when: All the conditions necessary for sterilization are present And the probability is that no more than 1 in 1 million microorganisms survived This is the present standard used in the United States for labeling a product “sterile”
The ideal sterilant would Destroy all types of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and fungi Not adversely affect medical instruments Act rapidly, allowing use of the instruments again as soon as possible Penetrate thoroughly enough to ensure sterilization of even the most inaccessible surfaces Diffuse through barrier packaging, allowing sterilization of the instruments without risk of recontamination after sterilization
The ideal sterilant would (Continued) Be non-hazardous to humans, non-flammable and non-explosive Leave no residue after sterilization which could harm the patient Be readily available, easy to store and use Be inexpensive Unfortunately, since no single agent meets all of these criteria, healthcare facilities must utilize a range of sterilization methods to meet their needs
Methods of Sterilization Based on several factors such as cost, type of material to be sterilized, and size of the material to be sterilized, overview of methods; Flame Chemical Agents Gamma Radiation Ethylene Oxide (ETO) Plasma Heat
Heat The most widely used method of sterilization If a microorganism is exposed to the right amount of heat for the right amount of time, that microorganism will be destroyed The method of heat being used will have an important impact on the sterilization time Two types of heat Dry Heat Moist Heat
Dry Heat Sterilization Works much like an oven “Cooks” the microorganism at temperatures around 420°F for 3 to 5 hours
Moist Heat Sterilization The most widely used because microorganisms are most easily killed by moist heat The most common type is the steam pressure Sterilizer The most cost effective method of sterilization The greater the pressure the greater the temperature
Moist Heat Sterilization (Continued) Sterilization is achieved by injecting steam, under pressure, into the sterilizer chamber The increase in pressure causes a corresponding increase in temperature Once the necessary temperature for sterilization has been achieved we stop injecting steam
Sterilization Sterilization is achieved by ensuring that the following conditions exist in the chamber Correct temperature Time
Basic Steam Sterilizers High Vacuum Sterilizers (Autoclave) Rely on electrical pumps or mechanical devices to produce a high vacuum in the chamber This vacuum removes air from the chamber This is to ensure all air has been removed from the packages so that steam will penetrate well
Basic Steam Sterilizers (Continued) Gravity Sterilizers Uses steam entering from the top of the chamber to drive the relatively cold air out through the bottom of the chamber and drain Generally used for smaller packages that do not contain much air While it is not a “vacuum sterilizer” a vacuum can still be drawn in the chamber
Basic Steam Sterilizers (Continued) Autoclave Settings Temp (F) Pressure (PSI) Time (MINS) Wrapped Items Bottles Solutions Flashing
Washer Sterilizers Uses the same sterilization procedures as a steam sterilizer but has the capability to wash the instruments before they are sterilized These larger versions of sterilizers are usually found in the Central Sterile Section (CSS)
Major Components of a Steam Sterilizer Jacket Chamber
Major Components of a Steam Sterilizer (Continued) Jacket The outer shell and narrow sealed space surrounding the inner compartment (chamber) Has two functions: Fills with steam and acts as a reservoir for the chamber steam Helps preheat and regulate the chamber temperature
Major Components of a Steam Sterilizer (Continued) Chamber The inner compartment where the items to be sterilized are placed The door is sealed with a gasket to prevent the steam from escaping At 30 PSI of chamber pressure, a door that measures 20” X 20” will have 12,000 pounds of pressure on it’s inner surface
Common Supporting Utilities Electricity 220 VAC, 3-Phase used for steam generator heater operation and vacuum pumps on larger sterilizers 110 VAC is used for sterilizer control Water Every steam sterilizer uses water Water must be within the pressure range stated and must flow at the necessary volume required by the manufacturer’s specifications
Common Supporting Utilities (Continued) Poor water supply can lead to poor vacuum which leads to wet packages Steam Must be in the correct range of pressure, volume and moisture content Low pressure may cause a failure to reach temperature High pressure may cause an over temperature condition and may damage plumbing components
Common Supporting Utilities (Continued) Steam Typical moisture content is about 97% saturated Steam Too much saturation may lead to wet packages Steam pipes should be well insulated, dry, and away from cold areas such as air conditioning piping or the ground
Pressure Measured in two ways: Dynamic Static Dynamic pressure Dynamic pressure is pressure in the line when the substance (air, water, steam) is flowing Static pressure Static pressure is the pressure in the line when there is no movement of the substance in the line; is generally lower than dynamic pressure
Vacuum and Pressure Vacuum is pressure less than 1 atmosphere Molecules move farther apart – means free path The Plasma Sterilization Process is a vacuum process of: Low Temperature Plasma Low Thermal Transfer Faster Diffusion Rates
Atmospheric Pressure 1 Atmosphere = 760 mm of Hg 1 Torr = 1 mm of Hg 1 Torr = 13.3 Pascal Low Thermal Transfer Thermos Bottle 2 degree rise in 24 hours Load at 20 degrees Centigrade Walls at 45 degrees Centigrade
Diffusion Microwave popcorn aroma Diffusion is limited by collisions Vacuum has fewer collisions H2O2 must diffuse from injection valve into load Water Higher in the mountains, water boils at lower Temperatures Lower pressure = lower boiling temperatures
Quality Assurance Indicators of Sterilization Recorders and Printers Verification of Sterilization Indicators of Sterilization Test packs Used to determine if the product being sterilized has in fact been sterilized Indicators of sterilization Does not indicate that sterilization has taken place
Indicators of Sterilization (Continued) Designed to indicate that certain conditions necessary for sterilization are present Autoclave Tape Placed on the outside of packages to hold them together and show exposure to heat The tape has strips that will darken when heated The tape only indicates that the outside of the package was exposed to heat
Indicators of Sterilization (Continued) Diac Small glass tube with a chemical pellet inside that melts and turns to a dark color when exposed to the right amount of heat Placed in the center of surgical packs to assure the user that the inside of the package was exposed to heat
Indicators of Sterilization (Continued) “Bowie-Dick”/”Check-a-Clave” Sheets Sheets of specially prepared paper that turn dark when exposed to heat in a vacuum Placed inside test packs to determine if high vacuum sterilizers are removing the air from the package Failure of this test indicates a malfunction of the vacuum system, i.e. Leak These sheets are only used in high vacuum sterilizers
Recorders and Printers (Continued) Used to keep a permanent record of each sterilization cycle Recorders The older style device Uses a round paper disk and an ink pen to record temperature as the disk makes a complete revolution One complete revolution indicates a 24 hour period and then is replaced Can be difficult to read and the recorder itself requires frequent maintenance
Recorders and Printers (Continued) Printers Records more data than recorders and no interpretation is required Prints the status of the sterilizer in every phase of Sterilization Information may include the sterilizer number, pressures, temperatures, type of cycle, and alarms Requires very little maintenance
Verification of Sterilization The only method that actually proves that sterilization has taken place involves killing live organisms The two most common forms of this test Spore strip “A-test”
Spore Strip and “A-test” These are spores of non-pathogenic bacteria in a container which is placed inside a test pack and sterilized After sterilization the spores are placed in an incubator to provide the correct temperature, moisture, and nutrition necessary for growth If no growth occurs after the required time (2 to 7 days) sterilization has been proven This test is usually performed once a day for steam pressure sterilizers and for every load on a gas sterilizer