Tangible Bots: Interaction with Active Tangibles in Tabletop Interfaces Esben Warming Pedersen & Kasper Hornbæk Department of Computer Science, University.


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Presentation transcript:

Tangible Bots: Interaction with Active Tangibles in Tabletop Interfaces Esben Warming Pedersen & Kasper Hornbæk Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen CHI (Computer-Human Interaction) 2011


INTRODUCTION Tabletop Tangible Interfaces (TTIs) have emerged as a research topic in the field of tangible computing. TTI system like Urp The physical objects in TTIs in general, and also in Urp, are inert.

INTERACTION TECHNIQUES Interaction feedback –Haptic feedback –Interaction assistance Interaction commands –Indirect interaction –Imitation Group interactions Model-based interactions

Interaction feedback Haptic feedback Interaction assistance

Interaction commands Indirect interaction Imitation

Group interactions Users can control multiple tangibles at once by applying interaction commands to a group.

Model-based interactions A user rotates a tangible to adjust the temperature in Celsius. The left tangible rotates proportionally to ensure consistency between the two temperature scales.


IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERACTION TECHNIQUES Haptic feedback Interaction commands Group interactions


STUDY #1: USABILITY Participants Apparatus Procedure Experimental design Dependent measures

STUDY #1: RESULTS Movement Rotation Grouping Satisfaction and comments

STUDY #2: USEFULNESS Domain and participants Interaction design Procedure

STUDY #2: RESULTS based on two sources of data –analyzed the videos showing each of the musician’s performance. –analyzed the comments of musicians as they where learning to use the system and during the debriefing.

DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION Active tangibles in tabletop interfaces promise to reduce conflicts between the digital model and the spatial layout of tangibles,and to afford new ways of interacting.