UGANDA OPHI Summer School 2013 Group: 7 Chrystelle, Elizabeth, Harriet, Iva, Peter, Sara, Shebo
Purpose of the Measure To construct a national multidimensional poverty index as a benchmark for monitoring poverty eradication policies. Explanation: a multidimensional poverty measure will enable us to examine and measure the different dimensions of household wellbeing. Unit of Analysis Households Explanation: we believe that the household can be treated as a strategic decision making unit in terms of welfare.
Dimensions & Indicators DimensionIndicatorDeprivation Cut-offsWeight HC Ratio Health MalnutritionIf household has at least a woman or child undernourished. 1/67.79 Child mortalityIf household has had at least one dead child 1/ Education Years of schoolingIf head of household attended less that 7 years of schooling (primary schooling) 1/ School attendance of school-aged children If at least one child in the household between 6-12 years of age is not attending school. 1/66.25
Dimensions & Indicators DimensionIndicatorDeprivation Cut-offsWeight HC Ratio Living Conditions Distance to waterIf the household spends more than 30 minutes to go to and come back from a water source. 1/ Type of floorIf the households’ floor is made of earth/sand or dung 1/ Access to electricityIf the household has no access to electricity 1/ Access to improved sanitation facilities If the household has no access to improved sanitation facilities 1/ Cooking FuelIf the household uses wood/straw/shrubs/grass /charcoal / none 1/ Asset ownershipIf the household does not own at least two of the following assets: bicycle, motor bike, television, radio, car, telephone. 1/