Forensics Entomologist Brittany Van Grouw
Job Description/ Responsibilities Use the life cycle of insects found on dead bodies to determine how long a person has been dead They mainly work on murder cases but they also work on death cases involving drugs, poisonings, neglect and abuse
Annual Wages $36,040 - $54,060
Working Conditions They examine the body at the crime scene or conduct a post-mortem examination Have pictures from the crime scene
Training and Educational Requirements Ph.D. in Entomology Master's degree in entomology Could earn a Board Certified Entomologist
Case Summary On 14 August 1996, a 46-year-old alcoholic (80.5 kg) was discovered dead in his bedroom. He was dead for 5 days. There were clusters of eggs found in his beard and pubic hair. There was Red Pupae on the dead body.
Related Occupations Forensic science technicians Biological science teachers, postsecondary Biomedical engineers Biological technicians
Bibliography b_Description_Duties_and_Requirements.htmlhttp://education- b_Description_Duties_and_Requirements.html _entomology_cases_description_and_comment aryhttp:// _entomology_cases_description_and_comment ary