Recap : day 2
4 th cycle HFA monitoring Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, – completed, India (9/10 sessions) and Tajikistan (1/10 sessions completed) Regional 10 year review report in draft stage Complete the HFA progress review and reporting by end December 2014 the latest by countries and IGOs Provide links to important documents (legislation, socio-economic development strategies/plans, sector strategies and plans that integrate DRR, etc) if not yet available in means of verification in HFA progress reports Provide national and/or local 10 year review of HFA if available by mid January 2014 Draft Asia-Pacific Review of 10 years implementation of HFA shared through IAP by end January 2015 for feedback Finalization in February 2015 for WCDRR All countries present in the IAP agreed to complete the HFA reports by end of Dec
PrepCom2 and 3WCDRR Draft 1 of Post 2015 DRR framework shared 2 more negotiations to held in Dec and Jan Prepcom III in March 2015 Slogan: « Resilient People – Resilient Planet »
3 WCDRR Intergovernmental Segment Plenaries Main Committee (if formed) (5) Ministerial Roundtables (3) Multi Stakeholder Partnership Dialogues
3 WCDRR (5) Ministerial Roundtables Governing Disaster Risk: Overcoming Challenges International Cooperation in support of a Post-2015 Framework for DRR Reducing Disaster Risk in Urban Setting Reconstructing after Disasters: Building Back Better Public Investment Strategies for Disaster Reduction (3) HLMS Partnership Dialogues Mobilizing Women's Leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction Risk Sensitive Investments: Public- Private Partnerships Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: Governments, Communities and Groups Acting Together
Development of Asia Pacific Policy guidance Agreement on development of the policy guidance Science Technology and academia group (represented by Kyoto university) volunteered to contribute Interest from others are awaited IAP members provided advise towards the key elements / focus areas that will require further guidance UNISDR AP office to develop a initial concept note and outline base don the deliberation
Update from partners Private sector engagement in DRR – experience at global level and possibility of bring it to the regional level was presented by Kiki and Yoshiko ‘World Atlas of Natural Disaster Risk’ developed by Beijing Normal University in collaboration with several international universities was presented By Dr Qian Ye ‘Partnership for resilience and sustainability’ presented by Jainey form R3EADY.