Special Education Meeting January 14th 3:30 ASC- Tennessee Room
Agenda Inclusion Presentations RNR and Roosevelt Evaluation Timeline- Brian Cinnamon Reevaluations- Paula Nickels Monitoring Update
Evaluation Timeline The rule change concerning the time frame for completion of an initial evaluation will take effect Jan. 29, Therefore, on and after Jan. 29, 2014, an initial evaluation for determination of eligibility for special education must be conducted within sixty (60) “calendar days” of the LEA's receipt of informed parental consent, and an initial meeting to develop an IEP must be conducted within thirty (30) “calendar days” of the determination of eligibility.
Evaluation Timeline cont.: All evaluations in progress due to informed consent being received prior to Jan. 29, 2014 must continue to adhere to the forty (40) “school days” timeline (LEA's receipt of informed parental consent for an initial until eligibility is determined and, if the child is eligible, a placement is made)
New timeline and EIEP EasyIEP will be programmed to reflect the 60 calendar day rule on Jan. 29, This change will impact the projected eligibility determination due dates for initial consents signed between Nov. 12, 2013 and Jan. 28, 2014; however, the 40 school day rule still applies for these evaluations. For example, if we get consent to test a student on 1/8/14 it is due 3/7/14 (40 days). However, after Jan. 29 th EIEP will automatically change the due date to 3/9/14, even though the real due date is still 3/7/14. We will develop a master list of students that had consent signed prior to Jan. 29th and therefore will be following 40 school days prior to the change on Jan. 29, There may be cases where EasyIEP will indicate noncompliance (stop sign) when in fact the we have additional time to complete the evaluation. However, the error check is turned off for these timelines.
Timeline FYI Parent consent for initial assessment must be obtained by March 17 in order to have your IEP meeting by the end of the school year; otherwise, IEP teams will have to convene in the summer (including, parents, gen ed teacher, sped teacher, assessment rep, LEA, etc.) SST teams should complete their work for initial referrals by March 3-6 to allow time for SPED teachers to get parent consent by March 17.
Reevaluations for Learning Disabilities (Elementary/Middle School) Student should be receiving intensive, research-based intervention in area of LD (Tier 3 or beyond) Special Ed Teacher continues to gather progress monitoring data in area(s) of LD, and before reevaluation is due obtains sufficient data: If weekly, data points required If biweekly, 9-10 data points required School Psychologist analyzes progress monitoring data for Rate of Improvement (ROI) and Gap Analysis
Reevaluations for Learning Disabilities (Elementary/Middle School) IEP Team convenes & reviews existing data through the Reevaluation Summary Report IEP Team considers the following in determining continued eligibility: Rate of Improvement (ROI) Gap Analysis Evidence of meeting IEP goals Current classroom based & state assessments Observations Further evaluation (if needed)
Progress Monitoring: Reading Use DRA Progress Monitoring Assessments Determine area of greatest need for intervention (e.g., Decoding/Word Analysis; Fluency; Comprehension) Use Progress Monitoring Chart to record weekly (12-15) or biweekly (8-10) data points Record Oral Reading Fluency (number of words read correctly per minute) and DRA Level Can use Leveled Readers or running records in addition to DRA Progress Monitoring assessments; record Oral Reading Fluency (wpm) and reading level of the material (should match DRA level) Send copy of completed Progress Monitoring Chart to School Psychologist for analysis of Rate of Improvement and Gap Analysis
Other Tools for Progress Monitoring Go to Click on CBM and choose: LNF/SNF: Directions & Norms; also, Letter Name Fluency Generator (for K-1) Maze: Directions & Norms; also, Maze Passage Generator (for reading comprehension, Grades 1-6) Writing: Directions & Norms; also, Writing Probe Generator (for written expression, Grades 1-6) Math Computation Directions & Norms; also, Math Worksheet Generator (for Grades 1-6)
Reevaluations for Learning Disabilities (High School) Full RTI postponed for one year at high school level - Continue using discrepancy model for LD initial eligibility Reevaluations for LD: Complete Reevaluation Summary Report as usual You to not have to collect RTI progress monitoring data for Reevaluations for LD at the high school level Review the following to determine continued eligibility Prior test data Progress toward IEP goals TCAP/PARCC, End-of-Course, EXLPLORE, PLAN, ACT scores, etc. Observations Further evaluation (if needed)
Monitoring Update Currently we have 10 files that are being monitored- Five for Initial Evaluation to include IEP Processes, 15- Invitation to Meeting, 20- Source /Date of information and exceptional areas, 23- Annual Goal and Short Term Objectives: Address all Present Levels of Performance Areas, 10- Consent for Initial Evaluation/Signed by parents, 13a- Prior Written Notice for Initial Placement Five for Secondary Transition to include IEP Processes, 52- Transition- Measurable Postsecondary Goals, 54- Transition- Age-appropriate Transition Assessment, 56- Course of Study
Monitoring continued: Other areas of monitoring and compliance Invitation to Meeting- Ten days notice Present levels of performance either inappropriate or old PWN- not checking all necessary boxes Transition- Course of Study, Transition Assessments, Measurable Postsecondary Goals