Chittenden County Park and Ride and Intercept Plan Public Meeting February 17, 2010
1 AGENDA Introductions Project Overview & Purpose of Meeting Existing Conditions – Preliminary Findings Next Steps – Example Goals Questions and Comments
2 Plan Purpose and Major Steps Build off Previous Plans 2004 and 1999 Chittenden County Park and Ride Prioritization 1993 Colchester-Essex-Burlington P&R Studies Develop Plan Guided by Overall Program Goals and Objectives Include P&Rs in Chittenden County Commuter Shed Identify Upgrades to Existing Facilities and Locations for New Facilities Update Prioritization Methodology Develop Implementation Plan
3 How the Plan Fits In Document Existing Conditions Inventory of Existing Facilities Analysis of Travel Demand Characteristics Develop Goals and Objectives Identify and Prioritize Projects Develop Implementation Plan Final and Draft Plan PLAN PRIORITIZE PROJECT DEFINITION BUILD ENGINEERING, PERMITS, ROW OPERATE
4 Plan Management and Public Involvement Park and Ride Advisory Committee CCMPO VTrans CCTA CATMA Local Motion Municipal Staff/Officials Survey & Employer Interviews Public Meetings Initial to Gather Issues Location Specific Meetings TBD Review and Comment on Draft Plan CCMPO Board Review and Adoption
5 Planning Framework – Service Areas Core South Southeast East Northeast North
7 Park and Ride Facility Inventory Physical Characteristics Number of spaces Type of Facility Surface, striping and lighting Shelter, bike rack, transit service Ownership General Performance Assessment Accessibility Safety Congestion Multi-Modal Access
8 Capacity and Ownership VTransMunicipalPrivate
9 Other Park and Ride Facilities CATMA Intercept Facilities (Car to Shuttle) Gilbane (included in inventory) North Avenue (included in inventory) Winooski Garage Fanny Allen CCTA Park and Ride (Car to Express Transit) St. Albans Link Express — Highgate Commons — Collins-Perley Sports Center – St. Albans Link Middlebury Link Express — Charlotte CITGO Station — Exchange Street Storage Montpelier Link Express — VT Department of Employment & Training Milton Commuter (Starting Soon) — Milton Town Offices
10 Performance Issues General Accessibility Gilbane and North Avenue Waterbury/Exit 10 Bristol Safety Seven of Nineteen facilities located near High Crash Locations Congestion Issues Waterbury/Exit 10 Richmond/Exit 11 St. Albans/Exit 19 Berlin/Exit 9
11 Performance: Multi-Modal Access
12 Travel Characteristics: Worker Flows IN-BOUNDOUT-BOUND
13 Commuter Flows by Corridor - Verification
14 Travel Characteristics: Mode Share Transit’s mode share has probably increased Transit accounts for about 30% of Park and Ride demand Source: 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package
15 CATMA Mode Shares – A Target for Chittenden County
16 Demand versus Supply
17 Preliminary Observations Inventory & Performance Limited intercept facilities Good visibility except: — Exit 10/Waterbury, Bristol, Gilbane, North Ave Safety (7 of 19 are near HCLs) Minimal congestion except: — Exit 10/Waterbury, Richmond, Exit 19/St. Albans, Exit 7/Berlin Good multi-modal access Location with high occupancies and minimal room for expansion — Exit 11/Richmond, Exit 19/St. Albans, Exit18 Georgia Travel Characteristics Overall – 64% of Chittenden County employees live in the County Significant in-bound commuter flows Transit riders are an important user of park-and-rides (30%) Higher car-pool mode shares than rest of state North Corridor houses the largest number of employees & has the highest percentage of car-poolers Biggest gap between car-poolers and spaces occurs in the North Park and ride facilities need to be better located to better serve demand
18 NEXT STEP: Goals and Objectives EXAMPLES…. Locate facilities to meet demand Locate and design facilities consistent with local land use plans Serve multiple uses Address safety and congestion issues at existing locations Design and locate facilities to provide seamless transitions between all modes Incorporate technology (traveler information) Incorporate landscaping and public art Minimize capital and operating costs Seek public and private funding
19 Questions and Comments Do you have any issues and concerns about existing facilities? What types of services or amenities are important? Do we need more park and ride facilities? If yes, do you have a location in mind? What goals should be included into the plan?