Moving to More Efficient Information ManagemMoving to More Efficient Information Mnagement Bill Mc Cluggage Director Delivery and Innovation Division ent Bill Mc Cluggage Director Delivery and Innovation Division Bill Mc Cluggage Director Delivery and Innovation Division Bill McCluggage Director Delivery and Innovation Division Improving Services & Realising Efficiencies
Have you agreed why you want to improve?Have you agreed why you want to improve? Have you agreed what you want to improve?Have you agreed what you want to improve? Will technology help you deliver change?Will technology help you deliver change? Have you identified how it will be delivered ?Have you identified how it will be delivered ?
Business View Functional View Technical View Implementation View WHYWHAT HOW WITH
Northern Ireland Civil Service Reform Delivery of better public services through improving our capacity and providing staff with the necessary technology and facilities
Why the Change? Duplication Silo-based Version control Managed disposal or retention Audit trails Official record “paper” FOI Public Record Act –Inefficient and Ineffective Practices – Legislation –Technology not fully embraced
Breakthrough Moment! Economies of scale Establishment of an NICS corporate File Plan structure Successful roll out of RecordsNI to nearly 16,000 end users Staff trained in 10 months February 07 - December lead departments agreed on a single solution that resulted in :
Benefits Realisation Legislative ComplianceLegislative Compliance Audit ability & AccountabilityAudit ability & Accountability Efficiency improvementsEfficiency improvements Allow re-organisationAllow re-organisation Improved ServiceImproved Service Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
Costs for Records NI A unit rate of £212 per person per annum across 16,000 end usersA unit rate of £212 per person per annum across 16,000 end users Daily rate equivalentDaily rate equivalent 58p per user per day! 58p per user per day!
41 minutes parking at Belfast City Airport
Why the Change? A new IT Shared Services approach is needed to release efficiencies. Shared services provide public service organisations with the opportunity to reduce waste and inefficiency by re-using assets and sharing investments with others. Common technology will enable joined-up solutions, leverage investments and shorten the implementation timeframe of new reforms.
“The SSC provides a cost effective means of delivering ICT infrastructure and common services to all Departments within NICS, operating to industry best practices and providing improved levels of service availability and resilience to meet the needs of all stakeholders”. IT Assist Vision:
Improved End User Experience Greater Assurance in Business Continuity Improved level of assurance to support future LOB and corporate applications Efficiency Savings Cash-releasing savings Improved confidence in ICT Service Delivery Enable flexible working and organisational change
The Workflow …. Back Office Front Office Customers Accommodation People ProcessesTechnology
Costs for IT Assist A unit rate of £880 per user per year.A unit rate of £880 per user per year. Daily rate equivalentDaily rate equivalent 2.41p per user per day! 2.41p per user per day!
A bus ride into Belfast!
Why the Change?
Public Sector Network (as was)
Optical Core Network Craigavon Omagh Lisburn Londonderry Portadown Armagh Belfast ‘A’ Antrim Coleraine Ballymena Limavady Newry Ballymoney Strabane Newtownstewart Dungannon Carnteel Belfast ‘B’ Multi-Gbit/s fibre ring Broad geographical coverage Resilient inc. Belfast ring Dedicated pairs for ‘NICS’ traffic
Improved voice, video & data services Improved voice, video & data services Remote access & mobility Remote access & mobility Reduced management overhead Reduced management overhead Reduced complexity Reduced complexity Reduced cost Reduced cost Improved Security Improved Security
Costs for Network NI A unit rate of £344 per mbps per year.A unit rate of £344 per mbps per year. A unit rate of £121 per user per yearA unit rate of £121 per user per year Daily rate equivalentDaily rate equivalent 33p per user per day! 33p per user per day!
4 text messages per day!
Decide if you want to work togetherDecide if you want to work together Understand Cost AvoidanceUnderstand Cost Avoidance Know timelinesKnow timelines Manage ImprovementManage Improvement The Way Forward