ICTL Malaysia 2007 Embedding Excellence in Learning and Teaching Professor Geoff Layer University of Bradford, UK
Issues include.. What is embedding ? What is excellence ? What is covered by Learning and Teaching ? 1
Structure Context Learning and Teaching Strategies in the UK Rewarding Teaching Identifying and Measuring Excellence Embedding Excellence 2
Tensions Teaching Working in a Course Team Student Support Developing Teaching Research Bids Publication Professional Development 3
Elite- 15% Mass % Universal- more than 40% Trow and Mass HE 4
Mass reflects a higher education system where the curriculum fits the scale and nature of demand (Trow) 5
Policy Engagement Lower socio-economic groups Financial support Student retention Employment and further training Student demand-led 6
Preserve A Levels Offer new diplomas Raise school leaving age Increase apprenticeships / training in workplace 7
50% participate in higher education by 2010 Enhance progression Target low socio-economic groups Gifted and Talented 8
Source: HEFCE 2001 Participation 9
Leitch Skills shortage Get 40% of workforce to level 4 75% of 2020 workforce have already left school ! 10
Full-time study Education Maintenance Allowance + bursaries Traditional routes Part-time study Modular Employer pays Innovative HE 18 – 30Leitch
Other Routes Standards Access A Levels Vocational Apprenticeship Diplomas Foundation DegreesDegrees Degrees 12
YEAR Curriculum requirement Student preparedness for the curriculum 13
YEAR Curriculum requirement Student preparedness for the curriculum 14
YEAR Curriculum requirement Student preparedness for the curriculum 15
LTA Strategies Origin Purpose Typology 16
Key Ingredients of a strategy.. Vision Goals Process of enhancement Pedagogical development Enhancing student experience Perspective on risk 17
Examples of Focus Personal Development Employability / Entrepreneurial skills Internationalisation e-Learning 18
Supporting Learning and Teaching Strategies QAA and quality enhancement HE Academy and subject centres Professional and Statutory Bodies Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) 19
CETL examples Learn Higher Bridges CMS 20
Rewarding Teaching Probation National Teaching Fellows Promotion Criteria Learning and Teaching Fellows 21
Embedding Consult Refine Measure Impact Project future Agree LTA Assess evidence and review 22
Typology of Learning and Teaching Strategies ( ) Devolved (6% - 35%) Integrated / Responsive (50% - 5%) Policy Driven (50% - 5%) Strategic (x – 34%) (Gibbs 2001) 23
Learning and Teaching Priorities (Gibbs 2001) 24
Key Change Issues Training Staff Development Reward e-Learning Project Funding Appraisal Student Feedback Production of Learning Materials 25
Enhancement Peer observation Student feedback Results / Progression Self reflection Development plan Promotion 26
Challenges Can Mass systems support individual learning ? Is the teacher prepared for individual learning plans ? 27
..by inclusive learning, therefore, we mean the greatest degree of match or fit between the individual learner’s requirements, and the provision that is made for them Tomlinson 27a
Tension Mass customised ‘product’ for school leavers Individualised learning for Lifelong Learners 28
Outcome False distinction, as assumes some don’t need support Need individual support for customised ‘product’ 29
Pre-arrival support Assess the preparedness Arrival support Diagnose needs Support the learning Prepare for assessment Prepare for next level An example - Transition 30
ICTL Malaysia 2007 Embedding Excellence in Learning and Teaching Professor Geoff Layer University of Bradford, UK