Wrapping Up Colossians One: Living the Anointing!
In wrapping up Colossians 1 we will see how to access the power of God that is so necessary to LIVE above the CHALLENGES this world give us daily …
… This chapter has been laying the groundwork for what the Christians at Colosse, Laodicea, and Herapolis were, and would, be facing …
… So, let’s search the Word of God for the ingredients that are necessary to LIVE VICTORIOUOSLY in this SIN SICK world!
Colossians 1:29 Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
Verse 29 is loaded with relevant truth for living life ….
In the 1 st word of vs. 29 we see Paul’s confidence …
I. “Whereunto I also….” Because of the FACT that Jesus is the SOURCE of all life and truth, Paul COMMITS his all to Him!
T This kind of a COMMITMENT can only come out of a close PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ. vs. 5-7 vs (7 necessities of the Christian life) vs (The Preeminence of Jesus Christ)
Paul understand all of this … “filled w/the knowledge of His will”
CR I Timothy 4:10
1Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labour (feel fatigued and wearied because living our faith) and suffer reproach (to be defamed, railed at and chided because of our faith), because we trust (we take pleasure in putting confidence in God) in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe (those that trust in Him).
Paul LIVED the principle of this verse daily……
Because Christ is God, we have a REASON and a PURPOSE to commit wholly to Him in all things …
Question: Is the reason people can’t COMMIT to Christ because they don’t really KNOW Him enough to TRUST Him
This gets us back to Paul’s Prayer for us … vs. 10 … and increasing in the knowledge of God…
Learn to trust Him, and teach others to trust Him so we can say as Paul said … “whereunto and therefore…”
The 2 nd principle of powerful living is … II. “labour” – CR Col. 4:7-13
Epaphras is the Pastor (elder), but Paul, through INSPIRATION, makes it clear that he “IS ONE OF YOU, A SERVANT OF CHRIST.” Paul is the Pastor, but in MINISTRY they are equal
In vs. 12 … above all else we must LABOR IN OUR PRAYERS on for another. James 5:16 / Phil 4:6 / Acts 6:4 / Luke 6:12 / Matthew 21:22 / II Chron. 7:14 CR I Cor. 15:10 / I Cor. 10:31 / II Cor. 5:9
Our labour is for the express purpose of giving glory to Jesus Christ our Lord by!
The 3 rd Principle for access to the Power is … III. “striving according to His working…” Romans 15:20
Romans 15:20 Yea, so have I strived (desired as a friend) to preach the gospel (announce the good news), not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation:
We, as Paul, are to strive in the POWER OF CHRIST to construct a sure foundation on which to BUILD UPON … ONE AFTER ANOTHER! II Tim. 2:2
I Cor. 3:5-18 1) YOU = a wise masterbuilder (vs. 10) 2) ANOTHER = buildeth thereapon (vs. 10) 3) YET MORE = take heed = do it God’s way (vs. 10) 4) CHRIST is the proper foundation (vs. 11) CR Acts 8: ) vs “remains…” 1. Word 2. Souls 6) vs. 15 = no investment of Word to souls of men
Don’t be as one jumping out of the flames of a burning building ….
Be the one who is ALERT and PREPARED to take action BEFORE the fire begins!
Matthew 24: Luke 21:34-36
This POWER is “according to His working….”
Read…… I Cor. 12:4-6, 11 Colossians 1:15-19 Eph. 1:18-21 Eph. 3:7,20 Philippians 2:13
As we LIVE OUT these principles of success in this vile world, God works in us mightily! II Cor. 3:3-9 Cross Reference this to Col. 3:1-4 (right hand … this is how POWER (Anointing) is developed) vs Things we are to PUT OFF and PUT ON to live IN THE ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit