 Quiet Time is a daily time of private fellowship with God and the individual Christian.  In any relationship we grow closer by sharing with one another,


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Presentation transcript:

 Quiet Time is a daily time of private fellowship with God and the individual Christian.  In any relationship we grow closer by sharing with one another, the same is true with God.  During quiet time we hear from God and talk to him. ( Other terms used – Daily devotion, Meditation, personal devotion etc )

 The end objective of a Christian life is to be more like Jesus.  To achieve the above we need to know all about Jesus for which we need to spend time with him.  The more we spend time with someone the more we get to know the person.  One such way to spend time with Jesus regularly is through our daily QT where we hear the voice of God in our lives.  Even Jesus spent time with God daily.(luke 5:16,mark 1:35,luke 4:42)  Every man who ever became somebody for God has this at the core of his priorities – time alone with God.

 To know God ( Phil 3:10,Psl 46 )  To have fellowship with God. ( Psl116:1,2 ; Jere 33:3)  To grow in grace and the knowledge of God. ( II Pet 3:18 )  To grow up in salvation. ( I Pet 2:2 )  To get spiritual guidance. (Psl 119:105 )  To lead a Holy life.(Psl 119: 9.11; 1:2 ; II Tim 3:16)  To overcome trials and temptations. ( Mat 4 :1- 11)

 To preserve ourselves (Ps 119:9)  To be sound in doctrine (Acts 17:11)  To see ourselves (Jam 1:23,24 ; Heb 4: 12; Pro20:27)  To have daily cleansing (Ps 119 :9; Jh 17:17 ;15:3 ; Jere23 :29)  To get spiritual strength (Ps 119:28)  To lead a victorious life (Josh 1:8; Ps 1)

Have right attitude.  Expectancy: Come before him with anticipation,expecting to have a good time of fellowship. (Ps 63:1)  Reverence: Be still before him. (hab2:20)  Alertness: Be thoroughly rested and alert.  Willingness : to obey.(john 7:17)

Follow a simple plan Select a specific time.  The length of time depends on you and God.  What is the minimum time you would require to intimately related to and hear from god?  How much time does God want with you today/everyday?  Choose time according to your schedule. But It should be your very best time. Don’t give the Lord your leftovers. Choose a specific place.  Place ought to be secluded.  Quiet and where you will not be disturbed or interrupted.

Develop a Pattern  Request: Pray briefly seeking God’s guidance (Jhn 14 to understand the passage you read and ask God to show our sins (Psl 139 :23 )  Read: Read, read and re-read … Read the bible for quality not quantity.  Record: Record in ASPECT? format.

A - Attributes of God: God’s character. S - Sins to avoid: Learned from warnings, teachings and from negative characters. P - Promises to claim: Remember to note the condition for the fulfillment of promises. E - Examples to follow: Positive lessons from good characters. Negative examples to be cautious C -Commands to obey T -a) Things newly learned b)Theme of the passage. A caption that sums up the gist of the passage.

What does God expect from me?  Reflect and remember: Meditate and apply what you heard from God and recorded in regard to your personal life. Instead of being unrealistic, make specific and strong resolutions.  Request: Rely on God to follow the decisions you have taken. Our prayer should contain ACTS!!!! A- adoration( I Chn29 ),C-confession( Psl 66),T- Thanks giving (I Thes 5) & S-Supplication (I Jn 5).

 Recheck: Recollect what God spoke to you before you go to bed or when you are free and evaluate yourself. (Psl 1)  Begin to share out your quiet time. God did not make us to be reservoirs; He made us to be conduits. Tell others what is God is showing you.

 Laziness.  busyness.  external disturbance.  wandering of mind.  un confessed sins.

 Receiving God’s strength for the day  Nourishment for soul  Knowing God’s will.  Being saved from taking wrong decisions.  Equipped to help others.

 Inability to resist temptation and sinful desire.  Left robbed of our joy in the Lord and our usefulness in His service.  You’ll stop growing in Lord

May the Lord help us to have a meaningful quiet time all through our lives. So that we continue to hear the voice of God in our lives and become more like him.