The Growth of the Central European Absolute Monarchy and the English Civil War Mr. Lawrence
Central Europe and the Holy Roman Empire Central Europe since the Middle Ages had been dominated By the Holy Roman Empire. However, With the Protestant Reformation and Religious Conflict the Empire’s Power is weakened.
The Thirty Years War Eventually the Conflict will erupt in War – The Habsburg Family in the South (Catholic) – Versus the German Princes in the North (Protestants) A Violent and Total War
The Resulting Kingdoms The Habsburgs will consolidate their power in the Austria-Hungarian Empire. The Habsburgs will generate the longest lasting Absolute Monarchy – The Government will last until World War I The First powerful monarch to come after the War will be Maria Theresa
The Resulting Kingdoms (Cont) The Kingdom of Prussia will Dominate in the North by building a Powerful Military To consolidate their Absolute Power the Kings of Prussia will take the Noble’s land and give them commissions in the Military
Frederick the Great of Prussia Frederick the Great will become the most powerful absolute monarch in Prussia’s History Freddy will become a great military leader and social reformer – Public Education – Religious Tolerance
King Charles I failed attempt to gain Absolute Power -Charles is fighting expensive wars with Spain and France -Charles cannot get the money he need from Parliament to fight these wars -Suspends Parliament and causes the English Civil War -Roundheads v. Cavaliers
The Results of the English Civil War -Oliver Cromwell (Roundhead) form a Power Protestant Army called the New Model Army and defeat Charles I - Charles was then be tried for his crimes against the people of England and against Protestantism - Charles would eventually be killed by Public Execution