Take Home Notes 7-2: Limited and Unlimited Governments ARCHER SOCIAL STUDIES
3-2-1 Limited & Unlimited Govt/Moving Toward Limited Govt pg New things you learned. 2 Important key words. 1 Question you have.
7-1.2 Government Vocab (pg ) 1.Monarchy 2.Absolutism 3.Divine Right 4.Absolute Monarchy 5.Limited Government 6.Magna Carta 7.Parliament 8.Glorious Revolution 9.English Bill of Rights (1689) 10.Constitutional Monarchy 11.Unlimited Government 12.Czar Choose 2 and draw a picture to represent their meanings
7-2.1 Limited and Unlimited Governments Limited Restraints on power and authority of govt Citizens have individual rights Citizens participate in govt decisions Constitutional Monarchy- Kings rule limited by a constitution (Magna Carta) Constitutional Democracy- Use of popular sovereignty (vote) where government powers are outlined in a constitution Unlimited You can’t restrict the actions of the govt Few rights/freedoms for individuals Show total obedience to government Rulers make all decisions Authoritarian- all power is in one person or a small group Totalitarian- regulates every part of citizens lives
7-2.1 Absolute Monarchies Absolute Monarchy- a king/queen that has total power King John: English king with all power. Created high taxes for war debt and was often unfair to the citizens. Signed the Magna Carta in This limited his power and put England on the path to being a constitutional monarchy European monarchs got scared when they heard that King John lost a lot of his power
Louis XIV: French king that had total power from Refused to allow the representative body (Estates-General) meet. Did not recognize the right to religious freedom. Spent a lot of money on war and put France in debt. Was a role model for other European monarchs
Peter the Great: Russian czar (king) that ruled by divine right. Controlled peasants strictly. Did good things in Russia, helped them catch up to western parts of Europe Expanded borders
Catherine the Great: Russian queen who ended peasant rebellions. Expanded Russia’s borders. Ruled from The last of the major monarchs in Europe