Oman is an Arab state Oman is one of the most Modernized and stable Arab states in the Arab world It is an absolute monarchy ruled by Qaboos bin said Oil drives the economy
Oman’s ruler or the Sultan has all judiciary, legislative and executive power Oman is ruled by a dynasty family
Qaboos bin Said Al Said is the current ruler of Oman Overthrew his father and took power
After Qaboos bin Said Al Said took over he manage to turn his country into a westernized state Removed Oman from isolation Got more people jobs Reduced poverty rate Used oil revenue to build highways and schools
Oman had violated a few of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 9 States: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile Article 15 states Everyone has the right to a nationality No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality
Oman detained and imprisoned innocent people for speaking out against The Sultan They also deprived Jews who were fleeing from Israel during the tough times They would restrict freedom of speech especially against the Sultan and the running government
The Gov. should Listen to the people instead of oppressing them. The could have fair elections instead of rigging the elections They should follow the UDHR more strictly Instead of having the Gov. run by a dynasty change it to a democracy