H igh S chool R edesign C ommission M eeting Vision: Create a World-Class Education System for all Students in LA Mission: Ensure Higher Academic Achievement for All Students Eliminate all Achievement Gaps Prepare Students to be Effective Citizens in a Global Market Meeting Objectives: Presentation of College and Career Readiness Policy Provide updates on the HSR Delivery Plan Galvez Building Pensacola/Oliver Pollock Room C110, C North 5th Street.
Welcome and Introductions Debbie Schum, High School Redesign Director Linda Johnson, BESE Member, HSR Commission Co-Chairperson Troy Allen, Executive Director of Health & Safety, the Shaw Group HSR Commission Co-Chairperson Superintendent’s Remarks Paul Pastorek, State Superintendent 9:00–9:15 a.m.
CCRPI 9:15–10:45 a.m.
CCRPI Goal #1 GoalMeasure Baseline Target Target Reduce Dropouts & Increase High School Graduation Rates 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
CCRPI Goal #2 GoalMeasure2005 Baseline Target Target Increased Readiness for Postsecondary Education % of Students Graduation with LA Core % of Graduating Class with ACT Scores: English 18 or Above & Math 19 or Above
CCRPI Goal #3 GoalMeasure2005 Baseline Target Target Increased Career Readiness of Students # of LA Career Readiness Certificates 2,6524,0007,000 # of Industry-Based Certifications 3,6007,50010,000
CCRPI Goal #4 GoalMeasure2005 – 06 Baseline Target Target Increase Participation and Completion Rate in Postsecondary Education % of Public School 11 th Graders Enrolling in a LA Public Postsecondary Institutions within 4 years ( Includes Dual Enrollment) Number of High School Graduates Enrolling in a Technical College or 2-Year LA Public Postsecondary Institution within 2 years of high school graduation TBD Increase the Number of Postsecondary Degrees and Certificates Awarded (1-year Certificate, Associates, Bachelors or Higher) TBD Number of Credit Hours enrolled in Public Postsecondary Institutions by LA Public High School Students TBD
Data Systems Building a world-class PreK-20 longitudinal data warehouse for school, district, and state staff to monitor student progress toward college and career readiness, especially for at-risk students Stage 1: a cohesive PreK-20 data system Stage 2: will enable data exchange and reporting with agencies outside of the LDE. Stage 3 (pending funding): a near-real-time longitudinal PreK-20 data system
Assessments Replacing the Graduation Exit Examination (GEE) with End-of-Course (EOC) assessments, which are more rigorous Increasing utilization of the ACT and WorkKeys® as assessment tools for, respectively, career and college readiness
Assessments (cont.) Revision of the Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum (and then assessments) with greater emphasis on literacy and numeracy, college and career readiness, and “21 st -century skills” and participation in the National Common Standards Consortium Consideration of increased emphasis on the high school graduation rate and other factors relevant for measuring college and career readiness
Emphasis on college and career readiness Possible Other Indicators Graduation rate Graduation index % of students completing LA Core 4 Curriculum AP participation College readiness (% requiring remedial coursework Accountability Systems
Supports and Interventions Delivery for Outcomes Expansion of Supports for High Schools into Middle Schools Regional Education Service Centers Louisiana Comprehensive Learning Supports System Literacy and Numeracy Development of Response to Intervention task force
Supports & Interventions School Improvement & RTTT Support & Expansion of Senior Project and AP Working with Louisiana’s Promise to implement Dropout Prevention Plans Teacher Quality & Professional Development Louisiana Virtual School Expansion of the interventions and support provided in the RSD
Early Warning System, Pathways & Options Statewide implementation of dropout early warning systems to facilitate early identification of at-risk students Expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) Piloting and, in , rolling out the Journey to Careers class statewide to help keep 8 th and 9 th graders on-track for high school Responding to the statutory mandate (Act 356, 2009 regular session) providing for a comprehensive system of articulation and transfer of credit (through the Statewide Articulation and Transfer Council) between and among public secondary and postsecondary schools
Early Warning System, Pathways & Options (cont.) The Louisiana Dropout Prevention Act of 2008 Building upon the successes of Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) program for students who have dropped out Expanding the promising new Educational Mission to Prepare Louisiana’s Youth (EMPLoY) program to more school districts
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