Cat Dissection Part 1 Muscles of the Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, and Shoulder
Sterno-mastoid origininsertionaction 2 heads: top of sternum, medial clavicle Mastoid process of skull Flexes head, rotates head toward shoulder
Sterno-thyroid origininsertionaction top of sternumThyroid cartilage of larynx Swallowing, speaking
Sterno-hyoid origininsertionaction top of sternumHyoid boneSwallowing, speaking
Mylo-hyoid origininsertionaction Medial mandibleHyoid boneSwallowing (pulls tongue back)
Pecto-ante-brachialis origininsertionaction Sternal end of clavicle Halfway down humerus Adducts (towards body) arm
Pectoralis major origininsertionaction Sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6 Intertubercular groove of humerus Arm extension/ Adduction (towards body)
Pectoralis minor origininsertionaction Anterior surface of ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of scapula Draws scapula forward and down
Xiphi-humeralis origininsertionaction Xiphoid processhumerusAdducts forelimb