EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI NA3 – Sustainability and Long-Term Strategies Morris RIEDEL, JUELICH Strategic Director, NA3 Leader 2nd EMI Periodic Review Brussels, 12 June 2012
EMI INFSO-RI Outline 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels2 Context Objectives and Recommendations The EMI Vision and Strategy Core Drivers Standardization Sustainability Partner Commitments Industrial Engagement ScienceSoft Conclusions
EMI INFSO-RI NA3 in EMI 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels3
EMI INFSO-RI NA3 DoW Objectives 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels4 Objective 3: Support efficient, reliable operations of EGI, PRACE and other DCIs Sub-objective 3.3: Monitoring infrastructure usage trends and evolution of relevant technologies MN EMI Product Use Cases are documented [M23]; EMI user interviews understanding cloud requirements and beyond (additional milestone) Objective 4: Strengthen the participation user communities in the definition and evolution of middleware service Sub-objective 3.3: Sustainable training and knowledge exploitation plan to integrate the results of the project in the long-term activities of EGI, PRACE and other DCIs and commercial initiatives DNA Collaborations, Exploitation and Sustainability Plan [M24] Sub-objective 4.2: Collaboration programs and involve users and applications developers in the middleware activities, facilitate the adoption of the software and also by commercials MNA3.1 – EMI Product Suite FactSheets available on EMI Website [M20] MNA3.2 – Open Source Software Initiative Charter exists [M23] Sub-objective 4.3: Participate to European and international coordination activities to promote the evolution and standardization of distributed research infrastructures DNA Standardization, Integration and Interoperability Plan and Status Report [M24] MNA3.4.1 – PGI/BES/JSDL/UR Specification Draft exist [M23] Objective 3: Support efficient, reliable operations of EGI, PRACE and other DCIs Sub-objective 3.3: Monitoring infrastructure usage trends and evolution of relevant technologies MN EMI Product Use Cases are documented [M23]; EMI user interviews understanding cloud requirements and beyond (additional milestone) Objective 4: Strengthen the participation user communities in the definition and evolution of middleware service Sub-objective 3.3: Sustainable training and knowledge exploitation plan to integrate the results of the project in the long-term activities of EGI, PRACE and other DCIs and commercial initiatives DNA Collaborations, Exploitation and Sustainability Plan [M24] Sub-objective 4.2: Collaboration programs and involve users and applications developers in the middleware activities, facilitate the adoption of the software and also by commercials MNA3.1 – EMI Product Suite FactSheets available on EMI Website [M20] MNA3.2 – Open Source Software Initiative Charter exists [M23] Sub-objective 4.3: Participate to European and international coordination activities to promote the evolution and standardization of distributed research infrastructures DNA Standardization, Integration and Interoperability Plan and Status Report [M24] MNA3.4.1 – PGI/BES/JSDL/UR Specification Draft exist [M23]
EMI INFSO-RI The EMI Vision and Strategy 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels5 Technology Channel Infrastructure End-users Commercial distributed services Research grids, HPC Open Science dCore Open Source ECNET ScienceSoft Commercialised Products Medical, financial, legal professionals, Public administrations ESFRI, humanities, OpenAccess etc Non-EMI Tech. (Globus, Desktop Comp., exp. clouds) EMI Core EGI, NGIs, NeIC, PRACE, OSG, Op. Sys. Public and commercial grid/cloud sites, HPC Grid sites, WLCG, LSGC, HPC Centers, App. Dev. HEP, VRCs Size of market impact
EMI INFSO-RI Core Vision Drivers and Tools 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels6 Sustainability: Future EMI Collaboration extended to committed and new emerging partners from the DCI community and beyond Pillar I EMI Partners - Post EMI Commitment (e.g. Table with products) Existing EMI Collaboration and partners as a strong foundation for further activities Pillar II Existing Users - Post EMI commitment and requirements (e.g. WLCG, PRACE, iMarine, etc.); document existing use cases Pillar III New Users - Exploit and expand usage of EMI products beyond current user basis (e.g. product factsheets, FutureGrid, etc.) Pillar IV Standards - Adopt industry standards and best practices in processes (e.g. industry standards adoption, release processes) Pillar V Commercials - Engage with commercial partners (e.g. dCore systems, Buerhoop, Technicolor, SysFera, etc.) Pillar VI Science Soft - Post EMI Collaboration Platform (e.g. ad-hoc partnering for new EC projects, exchange of open products, etc.)
EMI INFSO-RI Assessment of Commitments 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels7 Pillar I – EMI Partners EMI products sustainability situation clarified Discussions on gaps ongoing (minor issues) TBD: Shrinked CB Table with highlights / gaps
EMI INFSO-RI Pillar II – Existing Users Requirements gathered via Interviews (e.g. WLCG, PRACE, EGI, etc.) Requirements understood via Events (e.g. WLCG TEGs, EGI WSs, etc.) Major EMI product use cases documented (MNA3.3.1) Sustainability in Grid and HPC 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels8 Clear EMI Position with respect to Clouds EMI HPC end-users have no cloud plans (PRACE) Interviews show that clouds are still evaluated for usage (WLCG) Major EMI product use cases & communities documented (MNA3.3.1) Trend observation is continued (e.g. EGI cloud platform) Potential impacts on EMI products are ongoing (e.g. FutureGrid)
EMI INFSO-RI Pillar III – New Users Requirements of ESFRI projects investigated (e.g. e-IRG papers, EU e-Infrastructure Forum & EC Concertation meeting reports, etc.) Several requirements/synergies are addressed in development plans (e.g. easier security via STS, increased standardization of interfaces) Participating to events with PRACE, EGI, and new user representatives (e.g. e-IRG WS Poznan 2011, Grids Next Decade WS Zakopane 2012) Sustainability in Grid and HPC 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels9 Example: EUDAT – Collaborative Data Infrastructure Investigation of EMI Registry product with EUDAT data services used by ESFRI projects Uptake of EMI storage accounting record (STAR) activities
EMI INFSO-RI Pillar IV – Standards Amount of adopted open standards increased Interoperability between EMI products increased Visibility of EMI (members) increased in dedicated OGF EMI tracks Standard adoption discussions with end-users via OGF GIN tracks Sustainability in Grid and HPC 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels10 EMI Specifications and Chairs drive OGF Progress Several EMI members are chairs of OGF groups (GLUE2, UR, PGI, etc.) EMI-Execution Services (EMI-ES) specification via OGF PGI/BES/JSDL Computing Accounting Record (CAR) specification via OGF UR Storage Accounting Record (STAR) specification via OGF UR Common EMI profiles (SAML, XACML) in discussion in OGF security
EMI INFSO-RI Industrial Engagement 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels11 Pillar V - Commercials Communicated that EMI products are stand-alone software products Discussions at events and F2F meetings with industrial companies Use of factsheets to better explain the individual EMI product features Interest for single products exists (compared to middleware stacks) CompanyEvents & ProgressParticular software field and Interest in EMI BuerhoopISC 2011 and F2F meetingSW provider for German Aerospace Security; Compute products with functionality overlap SysFeraISC2011, SC2012, F2F meeting plannedIntegration of EMI compute and other products into own SysFera software stack; ScienceSoft partner TECHNICOLOREC Future Internet Concertation Meeting 2011, F2F meeting planned Software for sharing movies in neighbourhoods; EMI security products and distributed systems knowledge dCoreTBD: Alberto?Services for eGoverment; EMI data and security products
EMI INFSO-RI Services for eGovernment dCore System is the holding company of a commercial incubation program partnering SMEs with academic labs dCore Systems 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels12 With the goal of Exploiting open source technology to provide high-quality, professional services Creating synergies between research think-tanks and user- oriented commercial practices Providing sustainability by sharing part of the revenues with the academic labs
EMI INFSO-RI Pillar VI – Science Soft as a new initiative Promoted by EMI in collaboration with EGI, StratusLab, iMarine, OpenAIRE and a number of other projects and SMEs ScienceSoft 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels13 With the goal of Exploring the feasibility and advantages of creating an open source community for software specific to scientific communities Collecting community requirements, propose realistic solutions Making the activities of producing and using open source software for science more transparent and collaborative across communities and projects Implement a sustainable business model based on existing successful examples (Apache, Eclipse, Drupal, SourceForge, etc)
EMI INFSO-RI ScienceSoft 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels14
EMI INFSO-RI Conclusions 12/06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels15 Clarified EMI position and analysed Cloud trend Many cloud requirements can be satisfied with Grid features of EMI EMI remains to be Grid software provider and focus on its strength Cloud trend is further observed and impacts on products is tested Explored EMI strategy and products sustainability EMI Vision established and overall strategies in place Pillars as core drivers of implementing the strategy defined EMI partners and collaborators cover the majority of EMI products Reusability of EMI products easier beyond EMI middleware stacks Initiated EMI legacy and future collaborations ScienceSoft as driver of new and broader community collaborations dCore as key success in partnering with commercial companies
EMI INFSO-RI /06/20122nd Periodic Review - Brussels16 EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI