Warm-up #2 What ancient trade route did Marco Polo and his family travel on? How do you think your life might be different if a single family controlled.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-up #2 What ancient trade route did Marco Polo and his family travel on? How do you think your life might be different if a single family controlled your community?

I. The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread north. Essential Question: Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

A. Influence of Trade Italy’s location on the sea meant it had easy access to ports, trade, and global merchants. It had the benefit of roads and architecture left over from the Roman Empire. It sat on some major trade routes. Demand decreased so did prices and people could buy more including goods from China, India, and other lands.

B. The Silk Road Used from AD 1 – 200, closed after Han dynasty. When the Mongols took over China they reopened the Silk Road. This allowed Europe to trade with China. Marco Polo traveled this road (maybe…) and brought back many items and stories. The Crusades exposed Europeans to the treasures of the East. These gave Europeans new ideas about the world Inspired them to invent and create new things.

C. Separate States and Rival Rulers Italy was made up of independent states with different governments. Trading cities acted as centers for trade and manufacturing. Milan: silk & weapons Florence: textiles & banking Venice: Port, glass Genoa: port Most big cities had a signoria, one wealthy merchant family controlled the government. Signori (ruling families) from different cities competed over wealth, trade, and fame.

Separate States and Rival Rulers Florence – Center of Italian art, literature, and culture. Wealth from trade, wool, and banking (kept money for merchants throughout Europe). Families made money by opening banks & charging interest (fee for borrowing money).

What is Interest? Interest: Is the fee that borrowers pay for the use of someone else’s money. For example-When you take out a mortgage to purchase a house, you will pay interest to the bank for the use of the money. Let’s give interest a try!!! YEAR LOAN STARTING PRICE INTEREST LOAN ENDING PRICE 0$1,000 10% ($1,000 X 10%=) $ $1, % ($1,100 X 10%=) $ $1, % ($1,210 X 10%=) $ $1, % ($1,331 X 10%=) $ $1, % ($1, X 10%=) $ $1,610.51

II. The Medici Family Florence’s richest family (bankers) circa 1400s Cosimo de’ Medici ruled the city. Patron of the arts. He custom-made or paid many artists including: Donatello, Botticello, da Vinci, Michelangelo, and more… Built libraries to improve education. Closely tied to the Church  God’s bank Other family members became church officials, popes, queens, dukes and political leaders.

How did the Medici family come to power? How do you think they would use these connections later?

Lorenzo de Medici Became leader of Florence at the age of 20 after his father died. Rival families saw him as weak and took the opportunity to take power. They attempted to kill him and his brother but failed to kill Lorenzo.

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