タイトル Toshiaki WATANABE, Yuki SATO Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. Shimonoseki City, Japan Hironori MAEHARA and Shigeru ITOH Shock Wave and Condensed Matter Research Center, Kumamoto Univ. Kumamoto City, Japan MULTIPHYSICS 2009 Lille, France December 2009 Study on Promotion of Evaporating Cryogenic Fluids by Direct Contacting Normal Temperature Fluids and Generation of Ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 背景 1 Background of this study In recent years, demand of LNG and LH 2 is increasing These Fluids are stored under cryogenic temperature because of the advance of fuel cell device technology, hydrogen engine LNG and LH 2 the stream of consciousness for environmental agreement Cryogenic Fluids
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 背景 2 In Japan, ↑“MOTTAI-NAI” (wastefulness) are stored LNG-tank LNG evaporated by seawater are supplied to every home LNG are imported using LNG-Ship from foreign country Cooled seawater are thrown out to ocean On the other hand, as for fisheries as well, the need of the ice is high, as before, for keeping freshness of marine products in fisheries It was reported that seawater ice better than tap water ice from the view point of ability to keep freshness of raw fish.
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 背景 3 &コンテンツ We are planning to experiment for evaporating promotion of the cryogenic fluids contacted by normal temperature liquid without heat exchanger & generation of seawater ice 1. Observation result in the case of seawater jetting into LN 2 in the case of seawater dropping into LN 2 2. Experiment about the mass of natural evaporation 3. In the case of tap water dropping contact & jetting contact 4. In the case of seawater dropping contact & jetting contact Contents of presentation
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 01 Seawater jetting, 2ml LN 2 GN 2
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 02 Explosive boiling
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 03
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 04
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 05
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 06
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 07 GN 2 Spherical ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 08
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 09
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 10
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 11 Spherical ice spherical ice Cluster of
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体 12 spherical ice Generated
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Jet 全体とりあえず Direct contacting cryogenic fluids and normal temperature fluids Explosive boiling occur →Source of Shock Wave ? Phenomena is very confused Spherical ice & Cluster of spherical ice were generated →So, we carried out dropping experiment
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 01 LN 2 GN 2
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 02 droplet Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 03 droplet Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 04
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 05
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 06
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 07
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 08f Formed ice attached on the wall
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 09s droplet 1 st Seawater Continuously dropping
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 10 droplet Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 11
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 12
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 13 droplet 2 nd Seawater droplet 1 st Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 14
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 15 droplet 3 rd Seawater droplet 1 st Seawater droplet 2 nd Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 16
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 17
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 18
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 19 of ice Coalescence
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 20
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 21
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 22
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 23
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 24
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 25
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 26
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 27 GN 2 bubbles droplet Seawater
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 28
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 32
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 33
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 34
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 35
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 36
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Drop 界面 Droplet ice Seawater Covered with GN 2
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 見出し(蒸発促進) From the point of view of promotion of evaporating cryogenic fluids
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 実験装置 Outline of the experimental device Vacuum-insulating vessel Inner size:Φ80mm×140mm Test liquid Tap water Seawater Vacuum- insulating vessel Electric scale Droplet of test liquid Liquid nitrogen Cryogenic liquid LN 2
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 滴下と噴射 Jetting Dropping These experiments carried out at the room temperature, therefore, it has the mass of evaporation that is characteristic of the container due to the time progress without contact of the test liquid.
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 自然蒸発 Evaporation mass-time history without contact of the normal temperature test liquid Evaporated liquid nitrogen formed gas layer between the atmosphere and the liquid nitrogen and this gas layer may play the part of the insulation. This gas layer makes the mass of natural evaporation decrease. This result of the mass of natural evaporation that is characteristic of this container is used for the estimation of the pure mass of evaporation by test liquid contact in the case of dropping and jetting experiments. Natural evaporation
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Tap drop Relationship between the height from droplet to vapor liquid interface and the mass of evaporation in the case of tap water dropping As height from droplet to vapor liquid interface rises, the dispersion of the mass of evaporation grows big. As for this, liquid droplet is to dive deeply by increasing of height after it contacts on liquid level. It considers that dispersion becomes easy to appear in the boiling aspect, time to dive gets long. Tap water dropping
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Tap jet Relationship between the height from nozzle to vapor liquid interface and the mass of evaporation in the case of tap water jetting In this case of jetting, contact area between liquid nitrogen and tap water grows bigger than that of the dropping case. So, the much mass of liquid nitrogen evaporates. The dispersion of the mass of evaporation is bigger than case of dropping. This dispersion is caused by the condition of the spray. As for the influence by the height from jetting nuzzle to level of liquid nitrogen, the mass of evaporation increase as height rises as well as the case of dropping. But, in case of this experiment, the evaporation mass decreased by more than 150mm height, because jetted tap water leaked out to the outside of the liquid nitrogen vessel. Tap water jetting
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Seawater drop Relationship between height from droplet to vapor liquid interface and the mass of evaporation in the case of seawater dropping There is almost no change in the mass of evaporation by changing a test liquid from the tap water to the seawater. But, the dispersion of the evaporation mass in the case of the seawater is smaller than that case of tap water. This results means that the mass of evaporation is stable in the case of seawater. Seawater dropping
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France Seawater jet Relationship between the height from nozzle to vapor liquid interface and the mass of evaporation in the case of seawater jetting In this case of seawater jetting, it is different from the case of tap water jetting, and doesn't have the influence of the height from nozzle to vapor liquid interface. Moreover, it is compared in case of tap water jetting, and dispersion is small. In the case of seawater, dispersion of the evaporated LN 2 mass is small and the influence of the height from nozzle to vapor liquid interface is small, comparing the case of tap water on the whole. We think that the visualization observation of the phenomenon is necessary to ascertain these reasons. Seawater jetting
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 見出し(氷生成) From the point of view of generation of ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 氷写真 tapdrop Photographs of the ice formed in case of tap water dropping Tap water dropping Formed ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 氷写真 tapjet Photographs of the ice formed in case of tap water jetting Tap water jetting Formed ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 氷写真 seadrop Photographs of the ice formed in case of seawater dropping Seawater dropping Formed ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 氷写真 seadrop Photographs of the ice formed in case of sea water jetting Seawater jetting Formed ice
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France ・ Observation in detail using high speed camera Coalescence of formed ice, collapse of boiling film, ・ Phenomena in the closed pressure vessel ・ Planning construction of system ・ Application to source of shock wave Future work instead of summary まとめ
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 空 Thank you for your attention !
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 空
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 試験液温度 Tap drop Relations between temperature of test liquid and the mass of evaporation in the case of tap water dropping As temperature of dropping tap water rises, the dispersion of the mass of evaporation grows big. It considers that this is because dispersion appears in the boiling aspect on the interface of liquid nitrogen to rise in temperature of dropping tap water. Temperature of test liquid
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France 試験液量 Tap jet Relationship between the mass of tap water and the mass of evaporation in the case of tap water jetting We tried to investigate an influence on the amount of evaporation due to a change in the amount of liquid of a normal temperature liquid to throw. The experiment that the amount of liquid was changed was done in the experiment of jetting, because the adjustment of the amount of dropping water was difficult with the experiment materials used in the dropping experiment. The height from jetting nuzzle to level of liquid nitrogen is 50mm in these experiments. As the mass of jetting tap water increase, obviously the mass of evaporated LN 2 increase, too. Amount of test liquid
Dept. of Ocean Mech. Eng., National Fisheries Univ. MULTIPHYSICS 2009, December 2009 Lille, France We tried to examine it about the evaporating promotion of the cryogenic fluid in the method that contacted a cryogenic fluid and a normal temperature fluid directly by this research without using a heat exchange vessel. Though jetting contact can get the mass of evaporation, dropping contact is better than jetting contact in from the viewpoint of the stable control. Seawater is better than tap water from the viewpoint of the stable control. Conclusions まとめ