Permutation or Combination You Decide! My fruit salad contains grapes, pineapples, strawberries, and blueberries. Does it matter what order I place the ingredients in the bowl? Which one is it?
I Hope You Got it Right
Permutation or Combination You Decide! My locker combination is Does it matter what order I turn the numbers? Which one is it?
Are you still on the Right Track?
Permutation or Combination You Decide! Coach needs to decide who receives a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal for “Best Athlete in the World” Does it matter what order he places the names? Which one is it?
Are you still on the Right Track?
Permutation or Combination You Decide! What if my cheap Coach can’t afford separate Gold, Silver or Bronze medals. The top 3 receive a certificate. Does it matter what order he prints the awards? Which one is it?
Are you still on the Right Track?
Pick a team of 3 people from a group of 10.
10 C 3 The Answer = 120
Pick a president, Vice President, and Waterboy from a group of 10.
Pick a team of 3 people from a group of P 3 The Answer = 720
Keep Trying & You’ll Get It Turn in the following on a separate sheet of paper. Show your work for full credit C P 8 3. 9 C P 3 C 3
In how many ways can 7 people be lined up given that 4 people wanted to follow one another? In how many ways can we form a committee of 6 from 5 men and 5 women? In how many ways can we form a committee of 6 from 5 men and 5 women such that there are at least 4 men? What is the probability of choosing a committee of 6 with at least 4 men?
Modified True or False. The probability that Jaime will win the badminton game is 0.80 and the probability that Jane will win the chess game is What is the probability that Jaime and Jane will win? P(Jaime & Jane) = Is the solution correct? It is not correct. Correct solution: P(Jaime & Jane) = 0.80 x 0.70
A box contains… 5 white, 3 red, 2 green
Players for Intramurals per unit What is the probability of choosing such that the player is A) from unit 1 given he is a male B) from unit 2 given she is a female C) from unit 4 given she is a female MaleFemale Unit 120 Unit 21525