This presentation is an overview of SRSA’s performance against quarterly performance indicators/targets as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) for 2014/15 financial year. It summarises the details covered in the quarterly performance review report for quarter 1 (April to June 2014). SRSA senior managers under the leadership of the Director- General, gather at a quarterly performance review meeting in the first month following each quarter, to review the performance for that particular quarter. The final report is submitted to the Audit Committee and National Treasury for consideration and advice. Unless where the achievement was significant, the achievement of targets by support function units is not covered in this presentation. INTRODUCTION
Performance against APP: There was only 1 target on ‘training’ to be achieved. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS Chief Financial Officer: The annual financial statements were compiled in terms of the PFMA and Treasury Guidelines and submitted to the AGSA & National Treasury as prescribed. Internal Audit: Achieved their targets. Corporate Services: IT: Existing SLA’s with SITA were implemented and monitored. Office Accommodation: Met their target relating to the 30 days turnaround time for payments of rental and rates and taxes. Human Resources: 22 Employees were trained in the following skills, Persal (4); Sports Management (16), and Job Evaluation (2). The Workplace Skills plan was also completed and submitted to PSETA and CATHSSETA. Learnership of 14 SRSA officials commenced in April 2014.
Strategic Support The Sub-programme achieved the following: 2014 Strategic Retreat: A Strategic Retreat attended by MECs; their HoDs, and key officials responsible for sport in each province; the SRSA public entities (BSA and SAIDS), was held in order to inform the Department’s 2014/15 strategic documents on the 17th July NSRP Implementation report: A comprehensive report was developed to provide a status report on the implementation of the National Sport and Recreation Plan exactly two years after the NSRP was approved by Cabinet. On compiling the report, it was established that 17% of the outputs as captured in the NSRP was successfully implemented; another 42% of the outputs was implemented but remains work in progress whilst 41% of the outputs still need to be implemented. A review was also done of the target dates for implementing the outstanding outputs over the next MTEF period. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS
Strategic Support (continues) UNESCO: A report was delivered at the South African National Commission for UNESCO meeting that took place on 10 April 2014 on the key outcomes of the United Nation’s Inter-Governmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS) meeting that took place in Paris in March The report provided progress made regarding the three themes of the 5th International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS V). PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION There were 3 targets to be achieved by the programme during the quarter under review. All targets were achieved.
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Active Recreation & Community Sport: Recreational programmes and campaigns implemented (1): Move for Health campaign took place on 28 June 2014 in Hammanskraal, Gauteng, in partnership with the Provincial department of Sport, through its Gauteng North region and the City of Tshwane. The event attracted participants from seven regions of Gauteng North across different age groups. They participated in Aerobics and a 5 km Walk. Participants in sport and recreation promotion campaigns and events (300): participants were reached through the Move for Health event held in Hammanskraal, in Gauteng and through Ministerial Outreaches in the Western Cape (De Doorns and Gugulethu), and Gauteng (Eersterus). Mass Participation and Sport Development Conditional Grant quarterly reports submitted (1) - One report for the quarter detailing implementation of the DORA Grant was submitted to the National Treasury as required.
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION School Sport: National Schools Sport Championships Supported (1): Although the Championship is scheduled for December 2014, 90% of the required accommodation has already been reserved. Efforts are underway to secure the outstanding number of beds. All required playing facilities (except swimming) have been reserved. Sport Focus Schools on the programme: There are 16 sport focus schools that SRSA has verified. These schools have all accepted to be part of the programme and are yet to sign MOU with SRSA. All MOUs will be signed in Q2 as per operational plan targets. All provinces but Northern Cape have a sport focus school. The province is working on addressing this challenge.
PROGRAMME 3: WINNING NATION There were 4 targets to be achieved by the programme with 1 achieved and 3 targets not achieved.
PROGRAMME 3: WINNING NATION Scientific Support Ministerial Bursary Support: A workshop was held with provincial Departments of Sport and of Education, parents and recipients of the bursary; and provincial academy managers to explain the Ministerial Bursary Programme and finalise the implementation plans for the support of the bursary recipients within the provinces. Athletes & coaches assisted by means of scientific support programmes (40): Not fully achieved. There are currently thirty-one athletes and coaches (29:2). As such, those are the only ones the Department could support in line with the aforesaid indicator. The programme is being wound down. As a result, there are no new intakes into the programme. Athletes supported through the Ministerial Sports Bursary Programme (40): Not fully achieved. As at June 2014, 15 athletes were supported. The Department was awaiting funds from Lottery.
PROGRAMME 3: WINNING NATION Drug-free support agencies supported (5): Not fully achieved. Although the Department estimated supporting 5 drug-free support agencies in quarter 1, this support is at times dependent on meetings called; events organized, and so forth. SRSA was therefore only able to support one organization. Support is ongoing and not tied to a specific quarter as it is dependent on for example, meetings organised, and paying of subscription fees. Major Events Major international events receiving intra-governmental support per year (1). Because of an additional event that had to be supported, a total of 2 international events (Indo Pacific Gymnastics Championship and ITU World Triathlon) were supported.
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT There were two targets to be achieved by the programme during the quarter under review. Both of them were achieved.
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Sport and recreation bodies receiving financial support per year (2): Support was provided to Boxing SA and Netball SA. Multilateral engagements supported (2): Two multilateral engagements were supported as planned; viz. the AU Sports Council Region 5 (AUSC Region 5; and the UN on Sport for Peace and Development.
PROGRAMME 5: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT There were 2 targets to be achieved by the programme and both targets were achieved.
PROGRAMME 5: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Sport and Recreation facility planning Provinces with completed facility audit (2): The Free State and the Western Cape completed their facilities’ count. KwaZulu-Natal conducted a count in one of their districts. Sport and recreation facilities assisted with technical support during construction (3): Support was provided to the 6 projects that were constructed in: Free State: Moutse Rossendal Soccer field & multipurpose court, Makeleketla Sports Centre, Mpumalanga: Mahalapark Soccer field, Lekwa Sport facility, KwaZulu-Natal: Umhlathuzi Sportsfield. In addition Sport for Social change: 63 Facilities in 8 municipalities were completed and are ready to be handed over to the communities by the Minister.
OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE There were 12 targets to be achieved by the Department during Quarter 1 of 2014/15. Nine targets were achieved and three (under Programme 3) were not achieved. This equals 75% achievement of the Quarter 1 targets.
CHALLENGE The main challenge – a welcome challenge, for the Department would be to maintain the standard of 2013/14 and ensure that we receive a clean audit for 2014/15 as well. The Department is however ready for this challenge; and appreciates the support of parliamentary structures such as the Portfolio Committee, towards the achievement (2013/14) and maintenance of the clean audit. CHALLENGE