By Jessica Dimer
For thousands of years, gold has been one of the world's most precious materials, being thought of as a symbol of wealth and value throughout history and used for coins, jewellery and more recently for industrial and medical purposes. Gold bullion is also considered to be a very good investment opportunity, especially during recession, because its value isn't particularly affected by the changes and crises in economy.
When it comes to the origin of gold, one must keep in mind that it is a chemical element, so we can't exactly say it is formed in nature, but is rather part of the mix of elements that form the structure of Earth. It has been here since the beginning of the Universe, and astronomers say that it originally came to being through the violent collisions of neutron-dense stars. The problem of origin mostly refers to the deposits of gold from which man extracts the actual metal: the nuggets or grains that are found in rocks, veins and alluvial deposits.
Gold in the Depository consists of bars about the size of ordinary building bricks that weigh about 27.5 pounds each is about 400 troy ounces; 1 troy ounce equals about 1.1 an ounce. They are stored without wrappings in the vault compartments. Gold is used in jewellery like earrings, bracelets, necklaces and much more.
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