Company/Project Name Smart Cities Hackathon 2.0 [Your Logo]
OVERVIEW Compelling sentence explaining exactly what you do.
TEAM Name – area of expertise
PROBLEM / OPPORTUNITY Explain the pain you solve What opportunity do you address? How many people/organizations feel this pain or provide this opportunity?
DEMO Show your application live to the judges/audience (remember that something tangible is better than showing images) Share your laptop screen, tablet, prototype or video (the option that fits the best) Functionality is worth 30% in the evaluation
TECHNOLOGY BEHIND THE SOLUTION How was the solution implemented? Wha technologies are behind? Is it scalable? How? Available for which platforms?
BUSINESS MODEL What is your business model? How are you planning on getting investors? How will you obtain profit? What is the expected Return of Investment (ROI) after 1 year?
End with a strong closing statement that enhances why your solution is unique and essential to provide benefits to Smart Cities Contact information