How to use action buttons For interactive PowerPoint shows
Click on: Slide Show Action Buttons And select the appropriate style of button
Now click where you want to place the button The button will appear together with this command box. You can now select the destination from the list as appropriate
Destinations can include: Named slides Web sites Other files such as Word documents Other PowerPoint presentations Click above to enter the FEDA website
Points to remember Disable the mouse click advance by clicking on Slide Show / Slide Transition and un- checking the Advance on Mouse Click box
Use ‘Hide Slides’ Some slides may not form part of the show. Typically additional information slides. Use the Hide Slide button in the multi- slide view. Click on the information button now!
Step 1 Making images and shapes active To make any shape, text or object “active”, choose the custom action button. Place the box over any text etc) you want to make active Complete the dialogue box in the normal manner Then turn off all colour so the box becomes invisible
The End Now click the rewind button to return to the beginning.
This is a hidden slide Now you can go back to the presentation
More Information You can treat an image or text in the same way as you would an action button. Simply right click the image (or highlighted text) and select Action Settings