Hardware Tools
16. Butt Hinge
Butt Hinge Hinge for narrow fencing
18. Carriage bolt
Carriage bolt Bolting wood to wood or wood to metal
30. Common Nail
Common Nail Nailing boards together when holding power is desired
52. Eye Bolt
Eye Bolt Bolt used to attach wire onto
54. Fence Staple For nailing up fence
Fence Staple For nailing up fence
56. Finishing Nail
Finishing Nail Nailing boards where head will not be noticed
58. Flathead Stove Bolt
Flathead Stove Bolt Fastening wood to metal/metal to metal with wrench leaving a flat surface
59. Flathead Wood Screw
Flathead Wood Screw Fastening wood to wood where a flat surface is required
79. Lag Screw
Lag Screw Screw used when great pressure to turn is applied
84. Machine Bolt
Machine Bolt Fastening metal to metal with a wrench
89. Masonry Nail
Masonry Nail Nailing to concrete, brick or block
125. Roofing Nail
Roofing Nail Nailing tin, aluminum,fiberglass, or asphalt roofing
127. Roundhead Stove Bolt
Roundhead Stove Bolt Fastening wood or metal to metal with a screwdriver or wrench
128. Roundhead Wood Screw
Roundhead Wood Screw Fastening wood to wood
135. Sheet Metal Screw
Sheet Metal Screw Joining two pieces of sheet metal
150. Strap Hinge
Strap Hinge Hinge used where major strength or support is required
153. T- hinge
T- hinge Used where strength is required but one facing is narrow
161. Toggle Bolt
Toggle Bolt Anchoring into a hollow space